help me! anyone! somebody help me! hey! you son of a bitch! nooooooo! somebody! no! no . . . where? who . . .? i'm alive. you brought me back. what the hell is this shit? how did i get here, how did you bring me back? nano. but nanotechnology is impossible. 30? how long was i out? jason?! where is he?! hockey player? he's not a . old earth? but. i. 400 years? yeah? you're telling me i'm a friggen class project? dissection? jason? he's on this ship?! are you finished? where is he? no, you're dead! you're all dead! what have i done?! idiots. i'll tell you where he is. he's walking around this ship, killing anything that moves. jason! can't you see? he did this. i didn't say he was alive. get him out of there! i told you! get them out of there! get out of there! get out of there now! he's dead. they're both dead. you don't understand what is on this ship. this is a being that kills. that's what he does. that's all he does. and he is very good at it. we have to get off this ship. why don't you get it? he's going to kill us all! look! just get everyone together, get off the ship. and then blow it to kingdom fucking come! that's the only way you're going to live. i hope so. don't go out there. you can't win. we need to get off this ship. that's all there is to it. robot huh? barbie from hell. yeah 3cpo, i saw star wars, now how about you help me get out of this coffin, barbie. i'm surrounded by idiots. he'll kill us all. you know that, don't you? so, you're saying thse guys have like, lasers and stuff? they could hack him to pieces? listen up duck fuckers, you can't kill this thing. he's either unconcious or playing dead, whichever, he ain't really dead. okay, you know , that's it for me. i'm outta here. isn't there an escape pod on this ship? something? alright, been nice knowing you. who's with me? do something!!! lesson number one, kiddies. you wanna get home safely then we get off this boat. he wants to kill you. and me. and everyone on this ship. any questions? you wanna die? what good will that do? more soldiers? that's great. i bet they'll kick jason's ass at a spelling bee! guys, please come with me! tnighty-night. ok, who do i gotta fuck to get off this boat? listen to me. please. let's get off thsi ship. come with me. how do you open the damn door? yeah and he'll be here soon enough. last chance. fine. bye. which way? ssh. he's in here. you scream i'll snap your neck. got it? i just know. open the doors. keep trying! damnit, he's got them. then open the doors! three. two. one. damn! close the door! i'll be right back. i gotta go back. trust me, it's temporary. wait! forget the bridge, the shuttle's waiting! guys!!! the shuttle? idiots. what are you doing? you can't save him! don't just stand there! shoot him! don't stop! you never stop when he's down! shit!!!! yeah, that's it, scare the hell out of here, that'll work. kkinsa, it's me, rizzo. he's not out here right now, so please let us in. kkinsa, crutch is hurt! we need access to the shuttle's med-kit or he'll die. i guessed. we're going to be okay, kkinsa. just relax. don't waste your ammo! 400 years in the future and these pea-shooters are the best you can do?! just make a break for the door. he'll get some of us, but that's the breaks. we don't have time to argue! okay, he was a great guy, now let's move out. look, i'm sorry. i really am, but aren't you forgetting about . what if you miss? yeah. are you guys okay? it's locked! if the ship goes, so does jaso. no. it's better this way. if we were rescued jason would just get off the ship. you want him on your precious earth ii? boeman don't. you know i'm right. what's that? are there any other shuttles? teleportation? some way to beam us the hell out of dodge? hey. hey!! what's this? can we get through these? what if we blow the walkways first? leave jason over here to go up with the ship? any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental. come on. you got all these gadgets and shit. why can't we get inside the right hull, seal up the doors and blow the walkways? you got a better plan? so, you thought you'd be cool. go against your father's wishes? yeah, that's grown up. i thought you meant. when i was four, the ocean quit producing life. too many pollutants. nuclear testing, the occasional terrorist bombing. the atmosphere was shit by the time i was eight. we moved underground when i was twelve. my father was an army scientist. genetics. the army thought they could develop humans able to survive the earth we had created jason seemed to have the right stuff. physically, anyway. radiation, cell damage, didn't matter. he just kept going. i got along great with my father, my mother too. dad and the others thought they could learn a great deal from this thing the army had been keeping on ice for over a hundred years. they were all wrong. they couldn't control him. i couldn't save them. we can't lead him into the other hull! can we blow it with just two? sergeant, we could use a big bomb. you killed him? his mother? i don't know. nothing. hey, dickhead! go! oh, yeah, you remember me. we made it? not so bad. weapons? all this technology and what good has it done?! done? why am i not surprised? you know, this future shit sucks. i'll fucking do it. wait around on your asses all day. i'll need a distraction. hey! you want some of me? come on, keep up. you want some of me or not? take your best shot -- i'm melting! i'm melting! see now that was stupid. persistent, yes, but stupid. not this time, asshole. this time i'm gonna watch you burn in hell. make it fast. he's coming. delongpre! out of time! guys, he's right behind us! oh sure, all the time. damit, thorgan, whatever you're doing. you'd better hurry! i hate the future! is that? his mother was killed before his eyes. that's what drove him insane. it'll work. eat me. thorgan!!!! he saved our lives. okay, good tip. why wouldn't we be. i mean, look around. so far so good. no i'm not okay! i don't know what the hell i'm doing! i think i had some when i was eight. i think so, why? delongpre, you don't even know me. grapples with jason, but jason is just too strong. i'm stuck! oh great. yeah, having a great time, and you? old woman? i get it. chinese, huh?