i'm missing two! we're missing two of the kids! not without me! amazing! but, how . . i've been coming here for ten years. we never picked this up on our . . . kay-em? relax, soldier boy, this is amazing. these remains are two hundred years old. well stop messing with her. i don't want a science droid with a personality. now let's find them and get back. i want to get clearance to stay back and study this . . . keep your shirt on! i'm working on it. you won't believe what we found. adrienne! stoney! what the hell are you two doing?! you're both toast! is that? fat lou, bring the ship to the following coordinates. call grendel, have them power up the labs, we're bringing in the find of the century! this is a science excursion corporal. just stay out of the way. okay, no screwing around. this is the real thing. do exactly what i say. okay thorgan, open it up. this is your find people. you want to give your credit away? kay-em! thorgan?!!! janessa, stretcher. keep your shirt on, sergeant. we have a medical emergency here not tot mention the discovery of a lifetime. fine, grab that end. my god, look at him. why would they freeze a dead body? alright, load him up, and let's get out of here! kicker! we have to get these two back in one piece! kicker! do something! no! he's coming with us! just get us to the ship! get them in the lab! back off! get them to the labs . . . now! what the hell are you doing? i am an expert! brodski i'll talk slow so you can understand me. she's thawing. if we don't get her to the lab, she'll die, and that will be on your bald fucking head! well, when we rejuvenate this one you can ask her. i don't give a shit. this one's prime for decryonization. we're brining her back. i am a scientist you asshole! this could be the most important discovery in 400 years. do you have any idea what a find like this could mean? that's exactly what we need to find out. check your orders, sergeant. i out rank you where discovery is concerned. now step aside. i have a medical emergency to deal with. get her prepped for the soup. take the other one to lab two. i know, dear, but this is too big a discovery. i need you to prep the second body. this is a discovery that we will all share. we have to work as a team. now go. stoney go with her. hands on training is rare. you should consider yourself lucky. delongpree, status. how you doing? okay, people, we need to learn everything there is to learn about our two guests. and if all goes well, i'll mention each one of you when i make my nobel prize speech. turn up the heat. what do you expect from a culture that sucked its planet dry of resources. prep defib and start the cell reconstruction. is she stable? we wait. i need about fifteen. call me if there are any changes. if she farts i want a full report. later. secure line. perez, joshua, solaras space lab. connect. we just left old earth. you'll never believe what we found. i'm sending you the files. trust me. i'm bypassing regular channels. see what kind of payday we're looking at. hypothetically, how much are we talking? i'll reset our course . . . 3 hours? all right, lets do this. thorgan begin the defib program, delongpre, ready the drainage units. boerman get the others in here. it's time. i've waited long enough. kay . . . you know what to do. what the hell are you doing? fine, just stay out of my way. hit it. we should expect a moment of disorientation. she broke my fucking nose! obviously so. nanotechnology. we've had nano-tech for the last 30 years. the year is 2455. you've been frozen for the past four hundred years. now lay back we need to do some tests and i have some questions. we need to do some tests. i'd like to ask you a few questions. that's right, now if you could. wait a minute. i need. well? more time. shit, she's had 400 years. i'd want her statements before we reach porch. jesus, women. of course he is. he's the most relevant find in 400 years. except for you, of course. look if you're worried about pr don't be. you're walking and talking. he's a stiff. you'll get the publicity. god damnit! will you stop doing that?! jesus! impossible! he was dead before he entered cryo-statis. there is no possible way he could be alive. azrael can you repeat that? that's impossible. that's ridiculous. you're overreacting. looks like we're missing two. stone and kkinsa. stoney! stoney if you can hear me, get your ass down to the lab immediately! i'm going to see if i can find them. all i'm saying is dock with space lab, couple of hours no more. let them take a look at our friends. just don't go in there half cocked. you guys have a tendency to blow shit up and ask questions later. this thing could be worth a great deal. scientifically. not to mention what the fat cats on earth ii would pay for it! look, i'll split it with you 50. 50. that bastard! boemen turn on the tracking monitors. at least try to get him alive. will ya brodski? yeah, i got ya. i don't see anything inside though. yeah yeah. got it. fat lou, we're changing courses for the solaras space lab. we've got a situation here! just do as you're told! thank you. ok sarge, what's your status? but i didn't see. sergeant! nothing. you're not going anywhere. are we locked down? then we wait. we're docking with space lab in less than an hour. they can deal with this sort of thing. scientists. very intellegent men. try to calm down. just think, you're going to be famous! 4you're not going anywhere. shut up! she just wants this thing dead! you're crazy! pack your shit. we'll disembark in an hour. the guys at space lab have the necessary equipment to contain this thing and then we can study it. computer on line. jesus! can't you knock? diminish power to shutttle beowulf. she's too valuable. she's not leaving this ship. we must assume the machete was an intricate part of the game of hockey. thinking with your dick again, delongpre? they are not going anywhere. i cut power to the shuttle. everyone ready? fat lou, what's the eta? lou, goddamjnit! bernie, where's lou?! the ship doesn't need pilots to dock. we'll disembark and you'll see. everything will be fine. i guess. we'll have to go to the bridge. it's alright. he can't get in here! crutch? will that take us to the bridge? we'll engage auto-pilot! everything'll be fine! move it people! now hold on! have you considered how valuable you are? credit, fame, you can have it all. and ladies. i mean, how long has it been? that's all you wanted? it's okay, he just wanted his machete.