they're okay, if they got little white canes and tin cups. what the hell. did your mom put all this together? is she responsible for the punch? good. it's terrible. okay, you did that. same as always -- glub-glub, bubble- bubble, stroke-stroke. there sure is some weird shit on the bottom of the ocean. mostly old garbage. today we found a '48 hudson. who's that? quick -- i'm in love. lucky. lucky, lucky, lucky. with the right wind, 15-20 knots. we're carrying weight. oh, out a ways. maybe the lighthouse. no big thing, we'll see who's out there, maybe picnic. why'd they decide to move? maybe by now they are. i'll tie up at the town dock, don't worry, man. hey, it's all bullshit. anyone want to play pong for money? if you're beached, why are we doing this? for practice? then why are we futzing around the dock? we can make a few bucks working at the beach. you're always in the way. put him down in the water. you've just made someone very happy. you can? i could give you a dozen good reasons. okay, okay, don't say i didn't remind you. well, we're pretty crowded, and i don't know when we're leaving. well, i don't know. what the hell. for you. today i'm staying topside. you dive for me! with butter, if they got any. how fast is enough? like hell! we're on the starboard tack! so's mine. soon, dark eyes, soon. we're going to be fighting the current. wind's backing around a few points, too. but of course. you're betting what you already got. sure you do -- you win either way. turkeys! eat wind! your dad must be really pissed. it's not going to be easy. putz -- that won't be for hours. someone pop your balloon? doug! this way! if he liked your boat, i got some sneakers he'll love. raft up! raft 'em up! can you sail? what'd you do? memorize the tide tables? not funny. don't everyone jump around! can you put us on cable junction? how about a tow? can you rig that? there's a shark. don't struggle! don't move! sean! listen! listen to me, sean. goddamn it, sean, you listen to me or i will kick your ass, do you hear me? we're throwing a rope and you better catch it, hear? keep an eye out for that fish. sean! catch it! bring her to port a little. that's it -- steady. more to port. shit. i don't know. shit. shit, shit, shit! don't! the shark. we're hung up on something. easy, easy -- you'll swamp us! whoa! hang on, hang on -- we got it. you're on! get the cable in! pull! get on the rocks! where are you? chief!