late. couldn't help it. hendricks over there. . still has the keys to the jeep in his pocket, and i couldn't find the spares. how'm i supposed to do that? shouldn't he be at home? do i have to talk to those two? very impressive ceremony. good speech. me neither. all of us thank you, okay? no. find your brother, okay? can you take a little time out from your busy schedule to dance with the old man? because they're playing our song. sorry, i'm all booked up. come, m'dear. remember 1959, the jersey shore? i did, i did. listen -- what are you doing later? right. home it is. you're getting a little big for this. mmmm. sean's awake. good. mrs. silvera? need a ride? some people. better yet. too late, it's written. len, pay the two dollars. aren't you off-duty? what? on your own time? then check it out. i'll be in the office. where to? sailing? watch your kid brother, huh? i'll do what i can, but you're talking about a federal jurisdiction. thanks. what else is out there? i'll take the exhibitionist, you handle the others. in a minute, in a minute -- talk to mrs. prendergast, please. talk to me about mrs. kinney. dancing? hendricks. i want to go over your reports and your form 908. i just made it up. it means, "get me out of there." what the hell's that? abandoned? it's a little early in the season for that. if i had a $100,000 boat, i sure as hell wouldn't leave it anchored alone in the channel. hendricks, get a description of that dance. there should be bodies. witnesses say two people; one in the boat, one skiing. try dragging. stay on it. i don't care how long it takes. oh, yeah. sure. it's good with coffee. what're you guys doing today? every day? you could work out at the beach, make a few bucks for school. you'll have to make up your own mind about that. in the den. there's a lot going on. because, i'm in the middle of a boating accident, i got only four regular cops and one secretary, and a chief deputy who is constantly fiddling with the police boat. he's another one. boat nut. what is it about this place that makes everyone a freak for boating? what about tennis? riding? fixing up old cars? bartending? okay, not bartending. why on the water every day? look, humor the old man -- just be careful. don't go out if it's rough or anything, huh? we've had a lot of trouble. you stay with mrs. silvera, tootsie. okay? i'll be at the office. as soon as i heard about it, i called you. this thing is big! see? what'd i tell you? look at that! come on, let's check the bite radius. bite radius. you know, the size of the mouth? the shark's mouth. the shark that did this. it was a shark, wasn't it? but that's what we're here to find out, right? you stay here a minute. you heard me. look, i know a little bit about sharks. i know that this was probably a great white shark. car-cadon. caradan. that's it. is there one in these waters? because this big fish has been bitten by some other big fish. jesus, don't quibble with me. i want to know if a great white shark did this. that's it? probably? look, sharks are attracted by blood, and thrashing around. sound? so there's one around here. could you just keep that crowd back, please? you stay right here. you're going in with me. andy can sail in it. she'll understand. i don't want to discuss it. can't you tell? look -- can great white sharks communicate? send out signals, or something? you know, take revenge, sense an enemy. no more sailing. you come back with me, and that's it. because i say so. we have got to talk, and we have got to talk alone. larry, i don't know how to say this, but i think we got a shark problem. a real one. of course. look -- i've got some missing persons, fatalities, evidence of a large predator. i got a feeling. i have to act on it -- you can understand that, can't you? we have to do something. i know, i know. it's still a good idea. please, larry -- there's good reason. those water skiers. two of them are still missing! maybe they are! bullshit? i'll give you bullshit -- there's a dead whale out there with bites all over it! someone has to do something. come on, give a guy a break. come on. here boy. come to poppa. hoo! cold! come here. come on, sweetheart. you bastard. a little closer. here y'go. gotcha! in here. you didn't miss much. christ, what a mess. the woman passenger on the boat that blew up. what about that camera? that one -- from the wreck. you brought it up, did you look inside it? well, what the hell -- might be something worth seeing. take it somewhere and see if there's film in it. you got it. not the drugstore! the drugstore's closed? what the hell time is it? shit -- i'm late for dinner. close up, okay? oh yeah -- i'm expecting a long distance call, very important. give them my home phone. for me? damn. not till next year. oh, hi -- how was dinner? santos' place. oww! nothing. that's what i said. is there any of that hand cleaner stuff? found one of the missing victims from that boat deal. no. michael. you want to come here a minute? hiya yourself. i got something for you to do tomorrow. sailing? forget it. you're beached. grounded. no more boats. no backtalk! i spoke to upton, at the beach, and he's got a job for you there. you can work until school starts. he wanted a job, he's got one. i want to see that boat out of the water by tomorrow night. tomorrow night. out of the water. i know what you're going to say. in the city, it happened all the time -- some kid o.d.'s on a rooftop, top, a drunk gets cut in pieces under the brooklyn local, old people die alone in shitty apartments and three weeks later someone calls the cops because of the smell and the flies. call the cops. what are we, immune? the goddamn smell is always the same. yeah. i think so. mike! keep it down, for chrissake! out of the water! everyone out of the water! get out of the water! tell everyone to get out! now! out of the water! out of the water! now! everyone! no! don't go in! stay out! stay clear! sorry. i'm sorry. false alarm. okay, it's all over, go on, it's over. no trouble. it's all right, everything's all right. polly, no calls, please. okay, okay. hello. phil? fogarty? what pictures. i'll be right down. you said something about a camera. did you get any pictures? oh, jesus. that boat. what else you got? come on, phil, don't jerk me around. that one there. that one. thank god you guys were all together. i got something for you. proof! perfect. look at this --- what? temporarily? uh. sure. the question's out of left field. why are they asking? yeah. why? look -- i just got this from phil fogarty. it was in the camera belonging to the missing divers. it proves i was right, all along. it's a shark! a great white! jesus, it's right there! what are you all, blind? it's a shark. look -- teeth, jaw, gills. you're damn right that's what it is. what the hell does it take to make sense to you numbskulls? jesus, it's right there in front of you. i know what a goddamn shark looks like, i've been through it, don't you understand? i've seen this sonofabitch before! my ass! there is nothing to discuss. is that what it is? dollars? money? i'll pay for it. take it out of my salary. maybe i don't make as much money as some bullshit rip-off artists around here, but i don't work the same way. it means i don't like all that grab- ass and heavy breathing with my wife, it means i know who's out to screw me here, and it means that i know something none of you know because i've been there -- and i don't want to go through that horror again. ever! go ahead, whatever it's worth. that's great. that's great too. gorgeous. you look about 22 years old sitting there. like you were doing homework. ooohh, nothing. i just got fired, that's all. what'd i say? then that's what i meant. fired. canned. out on my fanny. the selectmen just made hendricks the new chief of police. just like that. no sweat. a blessing in disguise. back to the city, you can go to bloomingdale's without waiting six hours for the ferryboat. we're surrounded by water here, you realize that? me, surrounded by water. ridiculous. showed them the photo, showed them the goddamn shark, big as life. they didn't see it. not like me. not like the poor son-of-a-bitch who snapped this li'l picture. he's out there, somewhere. i shot off my gun, shot off my big mouth, so they fired me. everybody wants the job. no one wants the authority. except hendricks. fine. he can go out there in that precious boat, and when he looks whitey in his big mouth he can just call me. call me in new york. tell him to kiss my ass. fired me! i'm not a hysterical man. i'm responsible. i know what i saw. i try. goddamnit, i tried. now, i'm tired. i can't keep fighting it. i'm too tired. i'm. i'm. good morning, america. turn in the car. clean my desk, explain things to our sons, then maybe get shit-faced and punch your boss. don't rush into it -- we may need the income. mike left early. couldn't wait to make out. must be a morning man. the sink upstairs is busted. try some drano, or a plunger, maybe. or call your brother, the plumber, what's his name. frankie. okay. ask him if he needs an apprentice. just one minute. what the hell happened? how'd this happen? when? how long ago? going out. you can't stop me. mike's out there. untie that rope. goddamnit, hendricks, untie the rope there. find the kids. the lighthouse -- you said something about the lighthouse. get us there. amity launch to harbor patrol, over. affirmative. can you get your chopper airborne? get him the hell over to amity point, the old lighthouse. right now. there's a bunch of kids day-sailing that way. turn them back to port. that's it. just do it, all right? if they're not at the light, look for them. i don't want them out there. get them back to port! it's not his boat. nope. hold on. tina! it's okay, it's okay. what's the matter? tina? honey? hey -- what is it? what's there? i need a hand here. i knew it. i goddamn well told them. amity launch to harbor patrol. skip that. what about those kids out sailing? he left them? get him the hell back there! we got possible fatalities! brody out. i'm going out there. mike's out there. get her in. get them both in. where are they? never mind that shit. just point. got it. amity launch to patrol air unit one. harbor air, where are you? it's me. any fix on those kids? for christ's sake, get going! i'm all alone out here! where the hell is francis shoal? i'm all alone out here. shit. harbor air, this is brody. air one, come in. harbor air, do you read? over? where the hell is air one? did he raise the kids? yeah? then what? did you say cable junction? when? thank christ. i'm coming alongside! mike? is that you? it's okay. what happened? at least you're safe. what about the others? jesus, don't freeze on me. what about the others? what? which way? stay here. don't go anywhere. just stay here. stay at the lighthouse! hang on! i'm okay, baby, i'm here. it's okay. can you get a line to me? son of a bitch is stuck! climbs back onto the boat, starts the winch engine, trying to pull the cable free. come on, you bastard, come on, pull. pull! sean! hang on! hang on! just hang on! i'm coming! andy! use the lights! the lights! sean! you bastard! come here, you son-of-a-bitch! over here! you bastard! over here possessed, yelling at the top of his lungs. come and get me! come and get me! watching, cowering on the rubber raft to which he fell when the shark hit the cable. it's strangely silent. the lights on cable junction flicker and die as circuit breakers shut down the mains, protecting the line. only the boat's worklights provide light now. sean? sure they did.