where the hell were you?
i can see that. don't you know this is a big deal?
terrific. act as if you've been here all along.
look bored.
mrs. silvera couldn't come.
my boss and your boss. sure.
watch sean for a minute?
and how. i thought you wouldn't respect me.
fooling around?
let's get the kid home.
door's locked.
put a towel down. and shh -- daddy's sleeping.
mrs. silvera.
as far as the office.
writing a ticket.
hey! that's my boss!
do i have to?
see you later.
you have to smoke so early in the morning?
so's a donut.
eat cheerios.
where's my day book?
he doesn't have to work all the time, it's his vacation.
why don't you take a half day and clean this junk up?
one what? ah-ha!
it's an island. got to run.
thank you. i'll tell him.
sort of -- matthew hooper is aboard the research vessel aurora, presently in the antarctic ocean, and won't be in radio range until half-past next spring.
oh, perfect -- a 75 per cent family affair. where were you?
careful. what's wrong?
nothing, huh?
use the little brush there. why were you at santos'?
oh. want to talk about it?
all summer?
not so loud!
do you?
it was bad, wasn't it.
are you going to be able to sleep?
during the summer, the sun sets right there.  over the water. beautiful.
a piece here, a piece there, it all adds up.
his job.
okay. folks, if we could get back on, we'll show you the country club, and stop for lunch.
moving after her husband, while mike steadies sean, holding the impulsive kid back.
martin! no!
it's okay. it's over.
let's go, everyone.  mrs. bryant, len, please.
hi. i closed a sale today, without len. that's $1200 commission, if the papers go through.
sean's asleep.
what's wrong?
that you were fired.
because of today? the beach?
stop that! we're not going any place. you love it here. tell me what the hell happened!
honey, this is nothing.  i don't know what it is. what did they.
they have no right to treat you like that. you've given them everything. for four years, you've protected this town, the people on this island.
i know you did.
you're drunk is what you are.
take it easy.  easy.
shhhh. go back upstairs. daddy's sleeping.
nothing, sweetheart. seaweed.
what're you going to do today?
i'll give notice.
sean's not up yet. you know what he likes, just some fruit loops and milk. no candy.
hey -- it's not your job any more. i'm going to be late for work.
what kids? who went out?
mike? our mike?
what're you doing?
i'm going.
i'll do it.
hurry, please.
be careful.
tina, baby.  what is it?
what is it? what's the matter?
martin, please!
come back! martin!
my purse is on that boat.