tie it off on your left. your other left! good morning! till noon. this is on my own time. hi, shorty. whereabouts? want me to run out there? happy to do it. cast off your bow line. and your stern line. spring line. rich or poor, it's nice to have money. happens every season -- someone takes off. once we had a schooner for a month while the owners went fox hunting. if that's it, that's it. chief. i never heard of a 908. diver's camera. tom andrews brought it up from under that abandoned cruiser. rich people. home port is newport, rhode island. if you had a $100,000 boat there'd be an investigation. i can't find anyone out here. they must've gone to the bottom, or drifted with the current. i told you -- nothing here. for how long? current's moving everything around, and it's getting dark. until we find something. i think we got something. what the hell is it? here it comes. what is it? oh, great. untangle it and let's go -- we don't need a blackout on the island. this is it. move back, please. back off. open it up a little. i can't hear you if you're going to whisper. we got a helluva tide this month. chief? i missed you at the funeral home. santos said you were here. positive i.d.? oh. what camera? if there is, develop it! i know just where to go. of course not, they're closed. phil fogarty's place. he'll do it for me. nine-thirty, ten maybe. right. easy. right after, the kids went out? all of them. mike, junior vaughn, brookie peters, pat, lucy -- all that whole gang. yep. looked like they were headed to the lighthouse. about an hour, maybe two. let's see -- i came on about eight. uh, chief -- look. you're not chief any more. i can't let you take her out. mrs. brody, look -- if he can't go, then you can't go. neither of you can go. but i signed for the boat. you're not authorized any more. please. it's my job. mrs. brody, please. you're too close. back off. let me. please. what the hell, they can't fire both of us -- someone's got to be in charge, right? which way are we going? anything? hey -- you can't do that. chief, be sensible. about 10 degrees off your starboard bow, take a heading leeward of sand island, and lay her north by northeast. see where cable junction is? look to the left. the lighthouse. that's it.