coming up! we'll take your supercargo. hey, get out of our air! trim. that's my dad! how was the show? i thought you might still be painting the restrooms at the beach. let's just go sailing, okay? want to swim home? you bet. hang on. coming up! give way! hey! brody! want to race? how about a side bet to make it interesting? loser sails home alone. it's a bet. once around the marker buoy? so much for the rubber duck. tie off to your strongest point. anyone know what time it is? maybe it's gone. how're we going to do that floating on this garbage? hey! as soon as you get us on the island, you got to call in. my dad's the mayor. look out! sean! catch the rope! throw it. you okay? shut up. what the hell, we're steering for it. what's that mean? shut up! just shut up! it's bad enough without her freaking out. we're hung up here. snagged.