the speech was right on the money. be a love and make sure the bar's open, will you? fantastic lady. don't know what i'd do without her. y'know, brody -- for the first time in years it's worth putting money into this town. may i have this dance? wait a minute. heck of a way to treat a taxpayer. don't you have any pull with the chief, here? better get a sales kit together for after lunch. i'm taking some prospects out. can't we fix it up to get this made into a green zone or something? this is the town beach; the development naturally has its own private access, but i wanted you to see the concession area. look at that sand -- like sugar! and if you have any questions about recreational possibilities, ellen brody here will be happy to answer them. i think we got a couple of live ones. oh, shit. how the hell do we get him down from there? he's, ah, watching. a lookout. normally, it's used for, ah, bird watching. nature observation. weather measurements, that sort of thing. ellen, we're running late! the country club has an 18-hole course, putting greens, and twelve tennis courts. what the hell is he doing? you should've been out there. you should've seen him waving that gun, like a maniac. there were shots fired! that's what i'm saying! larry, i'm a businessman, trying to make a buck like anybody else. so it can't be done like that. the man's a menace, plain and simple. speak of the devil. is jeff hendricks qualified to fill in as an interim chief of police in your absence? it came up during the meeting. is that what it is? what have you seen before? this is nothing. seaweed. mud. something in the lens. forget it, he won't listen. will you listen to this man? will you just listen to him? you really caused a panic on a public beach, you shoot up the place, god knows who could've been injured -- what if somebody decides to sue us? that could ruin us. you don't make enough. what's that supposed to mean? i won't mention his personal attack on me. and hendricks is qualified, you heard that from his own mouth. anyone opposed, or is it unanimous?