thank you, paul lohman, for that eloquent solo. now, for that point in the ceremonies where we formally dedicate this magnificent resort- hotel complex, a worthwhile addition to the recreational paradise we call amity. holiday inn joins the amity shores development condominium complex in a welcome expression renewed interest in amity island as the hub of the northeast recreational vacation wonderland. we're happy once again to be in the center of things, where the action is. we've had our share of hard times and long winters and the past few years have not been easy. but today, the sun is rising on a new amity, a new island filled with promise. len peterson's amity shores development is an exciting addition to our island. the holiday inn we stand in is likewise a new friend who we welcome as family. amity means 'friendship' and our community extends its friendship to all who seek her shores in peace and harmony. and now, tina wilcox, this year's miss amity, will cut the ribbon that officially opens this luxurious new hotel. tina was selected from more than 20 of this island's lovely young ladies in the miss amity competition held every spring, and she'll represent amity island in the miss massachusetts competition in worcester next month. when she cuts this ribbon, she will be opening our island to growth, to development, to planned expansion with full employment for our thriving community. this money tree, you may have noticed, is made entirely of twenty-dollar bills, donated by len peterson, the builder of amity shores condominiums, as a gesture of goodwill towards the community. $500 as a special gift to the amity township scholarship fund. go ahead, tina. thanks to tom andrews, of amity aqua- sports, for contributing the special decorations. and now, the amity high school band. refreshments on the patio, everyone. hello, hello. it went well, i thought. thank you, thank you. you know my son, don't you? i'm showing summer rentals. we got a helluva season going. we're alone. are you serious? no one has seen a shark -- no fin, no bites, nothing. be realistic. of course i can, but can't it wait? these things cost money, and this town doesn't have much money. we have done something -- hell, we damn near went broke putting up a shark watch tower on the beach -- it's the only one in 2000 miles, y'know. and i stood by while you told the people from ramada and marriott that if they put up a hotel they'd need $800,000 worth of steel net around their beaches! in new england? we all lost on that one. martin, when we build up our tax base a little, you can have everything you want; right now, the town's broke. a tragedy. but that was a boating accident; no bites, no sharks, nothing but a boating accident. there's always deaths in these waters that never turn up. are they all shark victims? bullshit. what am i, an ass? when you called me, i called elkins, and her bosses. nothing she saw is proof of anything. don't push it this time. if you do, it won't turn out the way you want, i guarantee you that. i've got to get back to work. i'll say hello for you. your dad got you working? you know where your dad is? oh, for christ's sake. len, can i see you a minute? brody's riding his tower. wave to my son. maybe nobody will notice. let's get them back in the bus. it's an observation platform. that's our chief of police. he's just checking it. oh, my god. running too, half-stumbling, half-believing, remembering. brody's a good man. he thought he had a good reason. how many people were there? so? so? look, what am i supposed to do? it's done, it's over. we have to deal with the consequences. all right. let's go into my office, where we can have a little privacy. i believe we have a quorum, and informally, i suggest we call this meeting an executive session and dispense with minutes. martin, this is kind of an official meeting chief -- the board of selectmen has a question only you can answer. it's nothing i can see. martin, it could be anything. be reasonable, please. martin, could you wait here for a few minutes while we make up our minds about something? very well then. it is moved and seconded that martin brody be relieved of his duties as chief of police, his contract with the township be terminated, and that jeff hendricks be appointed acting chief in the interim. those in favor? i'm sorry, but i respect his convictions. the motion is carried. martin? could you come in please?