we never had any. what's the problem? polly told me to tell you there's a scout troop in avril bay doing the mile swim for their merit badges. i couldn't call them in, there's no phone out there. what's the matter with my printing? we had a shark attack at south chop this morning, mayor. fatal. gotta batten down the beach. i just found out about it -- but there's a bunch of boy scouts in the water a coupla miles down the coast from where we found the girl. avril bay, thereabouts. chief went to dry them off. i've got all these signs here. so then denherder and charlie sat there trying to catch their breath, and figuring out how to explain to charlie's wife what happened to her freezer full of meat. mrs. kintner must've put her ad in field and stream. anything? thought i saw a shadow. over. false alarm. must be this glare. where -- ?