hello. ahoy, sail! you got an oar? well, scull it out! just cast off in turn and make for the channel, ok? excuse me, i wonder if you could tell me. is that dynamite? there's a fantail launch out there that won't make it beyond the breakwater. officer, i wonder if you could tell me where i could find chief brody? hooper, matt hooper. from the oceanographic institute. victim one, identified as christine watkins, female caucasian. height and weight may only be estimated from partial remains. torso severed in mid-thorax, eviscerated with no major organs remaining. may i have a drink of water? right arm severed above the elbow with massive tissue loss from upper musculature. portions of denuded bone remaining. -- did you notify the coast guard? left arm, head, shoulders, sternum and portions of ribcage intact. please don't smoke. with minor post- mortem lacerations and abrasions. bite marks indicate typical non-frenzy feeding pattern of large squali, possibly carchaninus lonimanus, or isurus glaucas. gross tissue loss and post-mortem erosion of bite surfaces prevent detailed analysis; however, teeth and jaws of the attacking squali must be considered above average for these waters. -- did you go out in a boat and look around? it wasn't an 'accident,' it wasn't a boat propeller, or a coral reef, or jack the ripper. it was a shark. it was a shark. well, if one man can catch a fish in 50 days, then i guess 50 of these bozos can catch a fish in one day -- beginner's luck. who, me? okay. it's a tiger shark. very rare in these waters, and definitely a maneater. i didn't say this wasn't the shark, i just said i wasn't sure this was the one. there are hundreds of different kinds of sharks; makos, blues, hammerheads, white-tips. any one of them could've attacked. look -- shark digestion is slow. we could open this one up, and find whatever he's been eating is still inside. let's just cut him open and see what's inside. wait a minute. look, maybe this is the wrong time to pursue this, but i'm not sure. martin brody residence? hi. i'm matt hooper. if your husband is here, i'd like to talk to him. is anyone having this? dynamite! how was your day? here. one red, one white. ummm. really good. i wouldn't put it that way. but i love sharks. i do. but you've still got a problem here, there's a shark just off the island somewhere. they caught a shark, not the shark. big difference. i could've proved it this afternoon, by cutting that one open and examining his stomach contents. also, his bite was too small. i was lucky to find that in town -- it's an estate bottled vintage year. we ought to let it breathe. whatever. here's to your husband, the only other rational man on the island. day after tomorrow, i'll be gone, and he'll be the only one. going out on the 'aurora.' is it! the best-funded research expedition to ever study the shark. around the world in 18 months. better than cousteau, or compagno with computers, telemetry, defense department funding. yep. yeah. like the kid on your beach. i wish i could've examined that shark they caught. about half of them. a lot of 'missing swimmers' are really shark victims. rogue? it's called territoriality. it's a theory. you could say that. i'm flattered you should ask. and it was dartmouth winter weekend, and she was homecoming queen, and i was her date; then she got into the fact that her family had more money than my family, and she was right -- her great-grandfather was in mining, and my ancestors were yankee shipbuilders. so we broke up and i went home with some beatnik from sarah lawrence. our friend, the shark. we always had a summer place on the water -- newport, the vineyard, so i figured i'd major in something i knew about. oceanography, marine biology. it was that, or design racing yachts like my older brother. hmmm. he we go. up the old alimentary canal. hold the light. we open the abdominal cavity and check the digestive tract. simple. half a flounder. hmmm. a burlap bag. a paint can. aha! just as i thought. he drifted up here with the gulf stream, from southern waters. florida license plate. no, but tiger sharks are the garbage cans of the ocean. they eat anything. but this one didn't eat any people. there's nothing here. nothing. if you're looking for a shark, you don't look on land. you go out and chum for him. only one sure way to find him -- offer him a little something to eat. chum -- blood, waste meat, fish, anything. they can sense it miles away. if he's out there, we might be able to get a closer look at him. it's a good time, too. they're night feeders. that's the cape light -- we're on the stretch where he's feeding, if he's still here. depth-finder, fathometer, sonar, closed-circuit tv -- fore and aft -- rdf, single side band. and two loose nuts behind the wheel. sometimes. look here -- something big, probably a school of mackerel clumped together. and staying right with us. i bought it. both sets of grandparents set up trust funds for me; stocks went up, so i don't have to touch my principal. it is a job. i'm not fooling around like some amateur. it's my life! i want to check something. hold my feet. they must've hit something. he didn't have a dinghy aboard. i'm going down to take a look at his hull. we will. there's something i've got to find out. a white! a great white, i found a tooth buried in the hull. he must've attacked. i knew it. gardner's dead in there. i didn't see the mate. jesus christ! a great white! who'd believe it! we're not talking about a shark, we're talking about a shark! you're situation here suggests that a great white has staked out a claim in the waters around amity island, and that he will continue to feed here as long as there is food in the water. a shark's attack is stimulated by the kind of splashing and activity that occurs whenever humans go swimming -- you can't avoid it! i just pulled a shark tooth the size of a shot glass out of the hull of a wrecked boat out there. i don't have it. carcaradon carcharias. a great white. i'm familiar with the fact that you are going to ignore this thing until it swims up and bites you on the ass! there are only two ways to solve this thing: you can kill it, or you can cut off its food supply. that's it! i'm standing here arguing with a guy who can't wait to be a hot lunch. goodbye. out there is a perfect engine, an eating machine that is a miracle of evolution -- it swims and eats and that's all. look at that! those proportions are correct. i know sharks. i hope we get some more help. what i've heard and what i've seen are two different things. i believe there is a large great white shark -- carcharodon cacharias - in the waters off this very beach, that he has killed and that he will kill again. block the estuary! the estuary! this is quite a place. you're going to need an extra hand. i've been to sea since i was 12. i've crewed three trans-pacs -- -- and an america's cup trials. and i'm not talking about hooking some poor dogfish or sand shark. i'm talking about a great white. i don't need to pass basic seamanship. look, i don't need to hear any of this working class hero crap. some party boat skipper who's killed a few sharks. powerhead, co2 darts, hypo, regulator, tanks, depth gauge, camera, extra magazines, cage. all of it. and thank dr. miro for me. and tell borack i'll catch up with them in new zealand. an eye for an eye, you know. i'll see ya. tell dorothy hello. anti-shark cage. comin' aboard. what's that supposed to prove? nothing. nothing, nothing, nothing. watch it! compressed air -- you screw around with one of those and boom! careful, huh? that's pilot whale, isn't it? easy for you -- they got a brain the size of a radish. aye, aye sir. stand by to repel boarders. poop the mainsail. argh, jim boy. let it go, don't waste your time. i don't know what it is, but it's not a shark. it's too wild, too erratic. it's a marlin or a stingray. it's a gamefish. i'm okay. what do you see? 20 feet, if it's an inch. there's a formula! girth, about 150 inches, squared, divide by 800 -- son of a bitch, they are not going to believe this! -- divide by 2000. three tons! you're right, you old fart! three tons! damn it! i need something in the foreground to give it some scale. martin! stand here! no, to your left! clear! rig another keg! i'm bringing her around! god damn it! we had him! i'm coming about! look here. steve kaplan bit me during recess. moray eel. bit right through a wet suit. ever see one like this? bull shark scraped me while i was taking samples. i'll drink to your leg. i think i can top that, mister. gimme a hand, here. i got something to show you -- there. right there. mary ellen moffit broke my heart. let's drink to mary ellen. don't tell me -- 'death before dishonor.' 'mother.' 'semper fi.' uhhh. 'don't tread on me.' c'mon -- what? you were on the indianapolis? in '45? jesus. it's a whale out there. rudder bearings? lemme get a better angle on it. now. the shaft is giving. coming right to us! we can't rev it up this high -- don't shoot him any more! he's crazy on his own blood already! he's heading under -- ! he's under! hold her. keep him there! keep him! power head with 20 ccs of strychnine nitrate. if i can hit him. i can kill him. but i gotta be close. very close. rig the cable to the roof eyebolts. take me up. lower away, chief. try and keep him off me till i'm under. quint? wednesday. no, it's tuesday, i think. just keep kicking. i can't imagine why.