technically, you need the instruction of a civic ordinance, or a special meeting of the town selectmen. we're not even sure what it was. remember when fred ganz went scalloping in his bvd's? he was going to swim to new bedford, he said. and bill mayhew almost caught him in his net? we never had that kind of trouble here. you have our complete support. i agree. if she's going to advertise, i wouldn't recommend out-of-town papers. amity people could take care of this. what's going on with the beaches, chief? ginny, get this out on the state wire to ap and upi in boston and new york. have one of them pick it up for the national and call dave axelrod in new york and tell him this is from me and he owes me one. let's get a picture. okay, everybody, i want to get a picture for the paper -- could everyone clear out of the way? could you get out of the shot, young man? plenty. beautiful day, chief!