what have you got there, lenny? who've you told this to, lenny? take my car, okay? you come with us, lenny. c'mon, it'll give us time to think about what they're going to say. martin! are you going to shut down the beach on your own authority? that's just going by the book. we're just a little anxious that you're rushing into something serious here. this is your first summer. all i'm saying is that amity is a summer town -- we need summer dollars, and if they can't swim here, they'll use the beaches at cape cod, or long island. boat propeller? some weekend tramp accidentally goes swimming too far, she's a little drunk, a fishing boat comes along -- i don't think you can appreciate the gut reaction people have to these things. it's all psychological, anyway. you yell 'barracuda' and everyone says 'huh'. you yell 'shark' and we've got a panic on our hands. i think we all agree we don't need a panic this close to the 4th of july. martin, we hired the best man we could find. we need someone who isn't prejudiced by old feuds or family ties, someone who can referee things. now then. we've got a vandalism problem we ought to talk about. then go out tomorrow and make sure no one gets hurt. everybody, could i have your attention? since this affects all of us, i suggest we move into council chambers, where there's more room. well, here we all are; anyone have any special questions? that's private business between you brave fishermen and mrs. kintner. -- chief -- no need to involve outsiders in our business, martin. only 24 hours! thank you very much, mr. quint, the selectmen will take your offer under advisement that's good. that's real good. ben meadows getting pictures for the paper. who's that young man? i think we all owe a debt of gratitude to these men for catching this monster. that's disgusting! this is the largest, meanest, most vicious shark ever landed off amity island, and a known maneater! be reasonable, boys -- this isn't the time or the place to do some kind of half-assed autopsy on a fish. ben. do you have all the pictures you need? i am not going to stand here and watch this fish cut open and see some kid fall out on the dock. besides. chief, i'll take responsibility for this. boys, cut this ugly sonofabitch down before he stinks up the whole island. harve, tomorrow you and carl take him out and dump him right in the drink. i'm sorry, martin. she's in a sick, terrible state. let's all get out of here, this place stinks. is that tooth here? did anyone see it? what kind of a shark did you say it was? well, i'm not going to commit economic suicide on that flimsy evidence. we depend on the summer people for our lives, and if our beaches are closed, then we're all finished. i don't thing either of you is familiar with our problems. come here, i want to show you something. sick vandalism! brody, that's a deliberate mutilation of a public service message! i want those little paint-happy bastards caught and hung up by their baby buster browns! you'd love to prove that. getting your name in the national geographic. august! tomorrow is the 4th of july, and we are going to open for business. it's going to be our best summer in years. if you're so concerned about the beaches, you two, you do whatever you have to to keep them safe, but with you or without you, the beaches stay open this weekend. how about them indeed. i'm pleased and happy to repeat the news that we have, in fact, caught and killed a large predator that supposedly injured some bathers here. as you can see, it's a beautiful day, the beaches are open, and the folks here are having a wonderful time. amity, y'know, means 'friendship.' i'm pleased and happy. why don't you get in the water? nobody's going in! why? i don't know if i can do that without a. maybe we can save august. i was acting in the town's best interests. my kids were on that beach.