i'm reg hartner and this is a news now bulletin. a provasik animal testing facility in boulder was the focus of an attack by a terroristic primate rescue syndicate calling themselves the coalition for liberation of itinerant tree-dwellers. or simply, c.l.i.t. in a videotape sent to authorities this morning, credit for the liberation of an orangutan from the lab last night is taken by these men-- --identified in literature that accompanies the tape as jay and silent bob. in this chilling clip, they make it very clear that they are in control of the c.l.i.t. terrifying. here to help us understand this footage is federal wildlife marshal willenholly. marshal, what can you tell us about the c.l.i.t.? the liberate apes before imprisoning apes movement. marshal, how do you respond to allegations that federal wildlife marshal's office allowed the c.l.i.t. to slip through their fingers? is there also speculation that jay and silent bob may be responsible for the diamond exchange jewel heist that occurred in the same vicinity of downtown boulder last night? is that your cell phone?