no fucking way! dante and randal slapped you with a restraining order?! so you gonna abide by the court's ruling or you gonna go bandit-- reynolds style? i guess if you really wanted to hang out in from of a convenience store, you could just buy your own now-- what with all that money you guys made. the money from the movie, dumb-ass. the bluntman and chronic movie. oh my god--don't tell me you have no idea there's a movie being made of the comic you two were the basis for. goddamit, man-- here's the pulse, alright. and here's your finger-- --far from the pulse, jammed straight up your ass. say--would you like a chocolate covered pretzel? you see, kids, if you read wizard, you'd know it's the top story this month. check it out. well, after x-men hit at the box office, all the studios started buying up every comic property they could get their hands on. miramax optioned bluntman and chronic. yeah, well once they made she's all that, everything went to hell. so you're saying you haven't gotten a cut of the movie? didn't holden mcneil and banky edwards used to pay you likeness rights for the comic book? well boys, i'm no lawyer, but i think holden and banky owe you some of the proverbial phat cash. i mean they're making a movie based on characters that are based on you and quiet robert. i believe it "snootchie boochies." regardless--you're getting screwed. if i was you guys, i'd confront holden mcneil and ask him for my movie check. and on that note, we cue the music.