where the fuck did they come from? i'm on it. and what-stupid ass little foul- mouthed bitch-boys don't get their balls cut off in suburbia? holy shit--he's retarded, to boot. "honest injun"? i can't believe what a pushover you are. brent, tell these sillies that girls don't fart. and we're on our way to colorado to give provasik a piece of our minds! what the fuck are we gonna do now? nice going, four eyes! not as much as i hate you. fuck, if i don't get to kill someone soon, i'm gonna--fucking kill someone! then how about you help me take the edge off? oh, i'm a cow, am i? i'm a mad cow, bitch. and now i'm gonna rip your head off and fuck your spine stump. shit--your name doesn't even fit the rhyme scheme. you're dancing on my last nerve, strawberry shortcake. you deal with the weak link. i'm gonna take missy into the dirty convenience store bathroom and hate- fuck the shit out of her. holy fuck--the little stoner was right-- boom box! kaboom, you little stoner fucks. it's set. let's roll. the only thing i regret is not gutting that little trout-mouthed prick like a fish and playing twister with his vitals. i'll show you nasty, you little slut. fine--we'll take yours. i am gonna stain your sheets, bi- otch. fuck that, i didn't get to cum yet. fuck-- shut the fuck up before i shoot you where you stand in your pansy red booties. two reasons: one--we're walking, talking bad girls, cliches!