the ape. an orangutan's a member of the great ape family. it's not a monkey. their "son"? are you fucking crazy! those two may be gay, but that ain't their son! that's the ape! un-fucking believable. one rectal breach, coming up! open up and say "ahhhhh," you stoner sumbitch-- shut up! what're you doing? they're trapped. the only way they can get out of there is right here. fuck this asshole. let's go back to the station and get some donuts. "and might i add, that's one fine- looking boy you're raising." well, if it isn't the wildlife experts. did you come to it or go to it? we have a toaster oven. why? this might cheer you up. your office just faxed this over. guy there say it's a post from an internet chat board, signed by a "jay and silent bob." your man thinks it's a lead as to where those fellas are taking the ape.