who the fuck are these guys? i don't know if that's such a great idea. jussy. we're in the middle of suburbia, chrissy. let's try to act like it. what's wrong with you, justice? you do remember where we're going, don't you? fine--they can ride with us. but they're so out of here before we get to boulder. this is brent. he's with us, too. we're the kansas state chapter of s.a.a.c.--students against animal cruelty. shut up, i'm thinking. why the fuck did you let that little stoner throw brent our of the van?! we needed brent, justice! he was our patsy! because i didn't want to blow our cover! don't mind chrissy. she's just a little too wound for sound. enough! we have a very simple gang here, justice. i'm the brains, chrissy's the brawn, and missy's the tech-girl. but lately, i'm having a hard time figuring out what you're doing here. don't change the subject. you know what you have to do now, right? since you let our patsy slip away, you've gotta convince the little kid and that fat guy to take his place. they've gotta break into provasik now. uh-huh. you'll do it; or you're out of this gang. just use the little one's crush to convince him, since he's so fucking in love with you. what--am i blind? he wasn't kissing your hand back in the van like he was fucking lord byron? you're the one that brought the kid in, jussy. so you've gotta make amends. that kid and his quite friend are our only options at this point. now we got about two hours before we get to boulder. that gives you plenty of of time to work on him. why the fuck not? who's it going to be, jussy--him or us? good. they do their part-- and we'll do ours. jay, before you go, could you say something into the camera about the clitoris. she's just a little embarrassed. see, jussy and i are putting together this documentary for our human sexuality class, and we need a male perspective on the clitoris. uh--yeah. awesome. knock 'em dead, tiger. jussy. c'mon. hey, lover-girl. you cock-block my authority again, you lose your fucking fronts, you got that? phase one, down. while we're executing phase two, you edit that tape and grab a new car. let's suit up. they in? time to shine. let's go. once we're inside, i want complete silence. missy whipped this up. it counts our decibel level. if it goes into the red--alarm, we're dead. so not even the slightest noise, got it? justice! move your ass! i can't believe it. months of planning and it's all blown by a fucking fart. that was always the plan, justice! they take the heat off of is long enough until we can get out of town! i told you those two were the perfect patsies. now we lay low for awhile-- just in case--and start planning the next job. would you two get a room? sarah lawrence girls. go figure. oh and not yours? you know, i don't get you, justice. you used to be all about the girl stuff: stealing, boning, blowing shit up. now you're like this little priss with a conscience. it's really a fucking drag. if moping around over some little boy you're crushing on is being grown- up, then pass me my wonder woman underoos. awww. does jussy-wussy feel all dirty about setting up her boyfriend? then how about taking a shower? this dopey bitch ordered the large plain, but i could go for some hot, thick, sicilian. that bitch! that fucking, fucking bitch!!! get dressed. we're going after her. which is more important to you: a fortune in diamonds or busting a nut? chrissy! now! because she's gonna be one dead bitch. hi, jussy. we catch you at a bad time? let's have those diamonds, jussy. then lover--boy gets one in the brain. you really let me down, justice. throwing it all away for a little stoner with bad pronunciation. are you kidding me? i taught you all all your moves myself. there's not a style you can bust that i can't defend against. yeah, but i can bury you with my "crouching tiger." i'll counter with "dragon crane." bring it on. your shit is so tired, justice!