i need to give you something. i've been thinking about it for a while, and i think you need to be carrying this. there's obviously a sicko out there who likes boys. boys your age. and i don't want you going out there unarmed. did you hear what colin gray looked like when they found him? you heard. so unless you want to wind up looking like another exotic eye-talian dish, take mommy's rape spray. chip reluctantly accepts the spray. are you picking needy up at her house? i want pictures with your sister before you go. one more. back to back. big smiles. camille, we don't touch ourselves down there. that's our lady garden. needy? is something wrong? well, it's only five blocks. my god, your hair is. he usually cuts across the park. she turns to scold camille. camille, let's sit like a lady! no one wants to see your kiki. she turns back to address needy. why don't you try. but needy's gone. anita?