those jeans are hella low. i can almost see your front butt. i can see, like, your womb. needy sighs and hoists up her pants. why are you blowing me off for some dumb concert, anyway? we were supposed to have movie night. i even rented orca. it's like jaws, except with a harmless whale. i've never even heard of soft shoulder. which one is jennifer stalking? thanks a lot! like phil collins. forget it. he's seminal, but whatever. salty. you guys ever going to stop using that secret language? then you must be soy sauce, babe. needy and chip start making out. chip unbuckles his belt eagerly even though they've barely begun. needy stops. how do you know? needy shrugs. a beat of silence. then we hear the door swing open. jennifer's voice floats up from downstairs. that's fucking weird. you always do what jennifer tells you to do. needy pulls her necklace out from beneath her shirt and flashes a heart-shaped "b.f.f." charm at chip. i think you forgot, like, two buttons. the carousel is not a club. i'm not jello! that place is gross. everyone there has a mustache. stop kidnapping my girlfriend! what's wrong? like, burned down? to the ground? is everyone okay? shit. you're okay, right? this is real, right? this isn't just, like, some crazy dream like last time? who cares about jennifer and those douchebags with douchebag haircuts? people just burned to death. in our town! where's your mom? no band practice today. it's surreal, right? i mean, when just one guy dies in devil's kettle, it's like time stops. and now so many people are dead, nobody knows when it's okay to start again. word. what? yuck. like those porcupine meatballs my mom makes with the rice sticking out? it was probably because she inhaled a whole bunch of smoke. you might want to talk to the school shrink, needy. i'm not saying that to be a dillhole. i'm actually kinda concerned. i didn't say you were crazy. it's just that everyone's a little messed up about this. it's okay to feel. yeah, you know. fucked up. as they prepare to leave, colin gray approaches needy. he's a cute punk. goth guy wearing black nail polish, a lip ring, and full wardrobe by hot topic. how are you friends with colin gray? i thought colin gray only talked to the dead girls. we see a group of goth girls splayed against their lockers in full regalia. one wears an accordion for no reason. oh. i can relate. i'm also like that, even if i'm not all obvious about it like a poseur. you know it. the whole night must be a total blur, right? "after" is the part i don't really get, to be honest. i believe you. chip takes needy's hand and squeezes it. i need to see you right now. camille is playing piano. knock it off, camille! can you meet me at mccullum in ten? they're not. they're at jonas kozelle's house. he got murdered. human teethmarks. i don't know. it just happened after school. no one's supposed to know yet, but my dad went over there and talked to the cops. jonas's mom is catatonic. she's just staring out the front window like a zombie mannequin robot statue. what do you mean, needy? don't get spooky on me, babe. what, do you think it's, like supernatural? well, the bad luck's gotta be over now, right? it can't get any worse, right? obviously it can't. it can't. i mean, you agree, right? there won't be another victim. i'm cold. it's very cold out here. it's pink. hi. talking to your good pal colin gray again? can i come over tonight? i went to super target and bought more condoms. not that that has anything to do with my coming over. well, i'll see you tonight. needy waves as chip walks away. for ambiance. it's jammin' jasmine. my mom has holiday scents too, if you're interested. it's supposed to make it feel good for the girl. what? am i hurting you? needy starts weeping. am i too big? tears roll down needy's cheeks. she begins moaning, then screaming at that top of her lungs. needy! what's wrong? needy continues to shriek hysterically, her voice growing ragged. is it something i did? do you need more foreplay? needy! you feel-- what does that even mean? i'm worried about you. hey. did you buy turnabout tickets yet? i don't get paid until next week. what is it? what is it? uh-huh. you--you really think jennifer killed jonas and colin? really? you think she ate those guys? is that what you think? it's all right, needy. no shit. needy turns and pitches the black binder into a dumpster. i was thinking a suit with black shoes and a boutonniere, right here. what color dress are you gonna wear? i need to order your wrist corsage. how about magenta? you're definitely a winter. my mom says winters should wear regal jewel tones like magenta. or possibly teal. well, they call them "sales reps" now. that'll look dope. i'm in underpants, mom! we hear the voice of chip's mom through the door. hang on. chip puts on a robe and opens the door. ladies' pepper spray? i can take care of myself. i've been using the bowflex. in the background, we can see the bowflex with clothes hanging off it. lasagna with teeth? meeting her at the dance. i'm gonna walk. it's so warm outside. it's like 40. yes, ma'am. you weren't calling my name. i couldn't hear it. i was? i know. she hasn't been the same for weeks. then tell me. say it! needy's not like that. but you were with colin the night he was killed. eye-talian. never mind. i just can't believe this. it's bad, man. it's bad. oh, you have no idea. yeah, you too. you're so salty. i need water. it burns. the salty burns my mouth. what? why? this feels weird. can we go somewhere else? murphy pool? i don't think we can go in there. i knew some skater guys who went in there. they got in big trouble and now they have to pick up garbage for 100 hours. jennifer giggles and pulls him along. aren't you cold? what are you doing? ha ha. the water looks disgusting. are you kidding? it's totally bubonic in there. i think i see a dead possum with a doritos bag in its pouch. and that looks like a used syringe over there. he slaps away a fly. i know. me too. needy. you saved me. oh no, i'm out of minutes! oh yeah. you're right. i'm toast, needy. i'm definitely gonna die. i think i already died before you were here, but i woke up when i heard your voice. yeah me too. and you look hot in that dress. no. when you're dying, you can see everything a lot clearer. you can see what's true and what's not. the things that are true have this glowing halo of light around them, like a picture of the baby jesus, or barbara walters when they use the special lens. and i know for sure that you're totally hot. you'd better get out of here. the police are going to come and i don't want them to, you know, make a mistake. but i have to go.