hi needy. well, i'm glad you made it out. really. hi. (to jennifer, more sure. actually, i sort of wanted to ask you something. no! well-- yeah. well, we've been having a lot of fun in class, you and i, and i just thought maybe we could go to a movie or something. there's a midnight showing of rocky horror at the bijou next weekend. it's not. fuck it. never mind. he turns to walk down the hallway, dejected. jennifer watches him leave. oh. great! okay. yo? he stumbles over a stray 2 x 4. there are piles of sawdust and building materials everywhere-- the house is definitely still under construction. colin looks confused. a mouse skitters over his sneakers. jennifer? anyone there? the music upstairs grows slightly louder in response. what's going on? this isn't really your house, is it? do you even know my last name? jennifer. i gotta go.