no, kevin. those are just his fleshly remains. he's among the dark angels of the realm now. fly, colin. fly into the firmament. she lights a bundle of sage and waves it in the air. colin's father gags, appalled. oh, right. i need to ask you something, mrs. gray. it's really important for me to have closure. is it true that colin had a date with jennifer check the night he was killed? because jennifer check is a social disease. she's not like us. she thinks she's so special just because she's popular and and is what "society" considers "attractive." but she's not sincere. she's about as emo as a breast implant! and she listens to jessica simpson and shops at hollister. and i just know colin would never go out with someone like that, and i just need confirmation. from you. so did he? have a date with jennifer check. colin's parents stare at the ground. oh god. oh god. i knew it! that bitch! i will erase her! i'll put a freaky druid spell on her! i'll spell her preppy ass right into the ground! the parents flinch. that's worse! she throws herself to the ground, crying and pounding the dirt like a toddler. colin gray's mother buries her head in her hands and begins weeping. mr. gray attempts to comfort her. this is my heart. my soul. everything i once believed in. another goth girl, looking exasperated, grabs a balloon, shoves it under her babydoll dress and pops it. i hate your guts, madison. the girls glare at each other.