i'm nikolai wolf, and this is my band. he reaches down and pumps jennifer's outstretched hand. i hope we can live up to such. high praise. yeah. but i think it's so important to connect with our fans in rural areas. plus, the audiences in small towns really appreciate us. dirk, what about her? no, the hot one. the one who just walked away. she's it, man. she's exactly what we're looking for. she's a kid. we're in god's country, man. everyone out here's a fundie bible-banger. of course she's a virgin. dirk hesitates. dirk, we didn't haul our asses out to this corn palace for nothing! good evening, devil's lake. someone in the back shouts "devil's kettle!" sorry. anyway, we're soft shoulder. and we just want to make you happy. he winks at jennifer. the band launch into the same intense, soaring song we heard in the cop car and the hole. jennifer's eyes never leave nikolai's. she's hypnotized, clinging to needy's arm. even the locals look charmed. suddenly, a lick of flame appears on the wood paneling next to the stage. needy is the first to notice. as she watches in horror, the fire is reflected in her glasses. are you girls all right? those guys? they were the first ones out the door. ran for the van like a bunch of marys. frankly, i'm ashamed of them. needy narrows her eyes suspiciously. muffled screams rise up from the flame-engulfed building. jennifer covers her ears and cowers, sweat rolling down her face. god, it feels like hell out here. come and hang with us in the van for a while, just until they hose this place down. you're in shock. here, drink this. you'll feel better. he smoothly retrieves a plastic bottle of peach schnapps from his coat and holds it to jennifer's lips. she swigs it cooperatively, dribbling down her chin. we'll be able to afford new gear soon enough. i have a feeling we're gonna blow up. shut your mouth, object. you wish. told you, dirk. you owe me a beer. we got a waxing moon. perfection. then grow a pair and fetch me the ritual! god. what? i found it on google. we come here tonight to sacrifice the body of. this chick from devil's kettle. that's fascinating. i only hump nines and tens. you're a seven at best, even with the chicken cutlets. i'm gonna carve you like a pumpkin, bitch. don't you know that me and my boys are in league with the beast himself? we've spent months making offerings to the "man downstairs," and whaddya know? satan delivered! we went from college radio to being courted by the majors in two months. but that's not enough, jenny. we want designer drugs. we want groupies that have their own groupies. we want speedballs and stadium tours and skittles sorted by color. in short, we want more. and to get more, we have to butcher you. and bleed you. sorry, darling. with deepest malice, we deliver this virgin unto thee. it's a bowie knife. "there's a starman waiting in the sky" good evening, babies. are you ready for some bad vibrations? shut up. it's good pr. i said, it's so good to be here! the students cheer approvingly, their faces bright and hopeful. we gotta get out of here. i think this girl's flipping out. look at her. dirk takes one look at needy's face and takes off his guitar. nikolai motions for the rest of the band to leave the stage. the music stops abruptly. the kids in the gym murmur and complain, confused.