sergeants serato, and taylor. interview over, blattis . we got a body part. we don't know what it is - probably some kind of hospital debris - we're gonna try and check it out. o.k. now you know as much as we do . then do me a favor, and keep this outta the newspaper - that dump serves a dozen different communities, we don't even know if it's ours? till we do i don't want no one worrying about . come on, michael, outta here, the guys trying to move in. i told you what we know, something else, you- 'll be the first to hear about it . that, i couldn't tell you . and don't worry about anya this crap, by the time you're back it's gone . what about her? what is that? how do you know her hair's black? what is all this jennifer stuff? i don't see that at all . yeah, that's all very inter- esting, but where's the body? probably making him feel a bit antsy seein it back on the wall. he worked a lotta time on this. sucked in officers from all over the county. and it was the worst six months this station ever had. i'm not telling you what to do. what i will say, is right now, that child's tricycle there is more important to me than this . you're pushing this too hard. it's like you want me to say stop? you must know that's the way this is going, john? there's other work to do, why don't ya ease off a little? then where's the body? . where's the body, and why's he hidden it? have you got a match on the bullet? have you got a print from the hand? it could be anyone's hand. illeg- ally disposed of hospital debris . she's not "missing." did she shout? did she scream? did he coerce her? no. she left of her own free will . and if she gets on a plane and goes to peru with the prick, she's still not missing. you got no case, john. i have heard you. you just don't like hearing me. you got this whole damned thing outta proportion. i don't know what you gotten used to in los angeles, but i don't believe there's a police chief, in this country, would put a task force together for a body part . we have a body part in suspicious circumstances - a tailor's dummy wearing a brassiere - and a bill for seventeen dollars for its wig! i'm shutting you down on this "blind thing," john. don't underestimate me . the mayor's pissed - but that's nothing to do with this - sit down - how many times have you been up at that institute? i'm talking, outside the girl? got a letter from this goodridge guy? says, you're upsetting his students? he says, you freaked one of em out? "asking a newly blind kid if he can 'see,' is both cruel, and dangerous" . and did they? i'm not a nasty man, john, i'm a nice man . i get a lot of christmas cards . and i'm getting a lot of complaints. the guy you replaced was something you- 're not - a lazy sonovabitch - but the reality is, i was getting a faster ser- vice outta popeye than i am outta you . i can't allow this to continue, john . alright, you got it. and i'll be putting an observer in with you. coz i'm short of men & ang- elo won't do it . who ever i got free first - you get . are you going up there? what about the man? . has he seen this? . . alright, make your call, and get up there . bullshit or not, i wanna proper statement . would you ask mr st anne to come in here a moment? it's either you, or taylor? i'll toss a coin for you. but one of you is going in today . what's all this "deal" business? you ain't talking to no one, till you calm down.