as recent as we have . what ex- actly is your interest in amber? then what are you hoping i'm gon- na do? dissuade, or persuade you? then you could have saved yourself a lot of driving, sergeant. what i said on the phone's the same as i'm saying now. i got no idea where amb- er is, or who it was took her there. you find something curious in that? then let me put your mind at ease . firstly, amber isn't "blind" - she has some useful vision - and second, this isn't a prison, it's a college of higher education - a severe vis- ual disability doesn't mean my stud- ents don't value their independence as much as anybody else - and amber was a very independent young woman - she decided to leave - so she left . no, sergeant, i got no idea with who. and i might add, that in another six weeks, a hundred and fifty students will be leaving here, & driving away for their christmas holidays with pe- ople whose name i-won't-know-either . as she's a member of my staff, may i ask what this is about? i see . well, she's teaching an- other class at four . i'd apprec- iate it if you don't detain her .