what d'you wanna ask, mr ross? well, i think i told you on the phone . i went up to her room to say good-bye, and we just sat on the bed and chatted a while, while her friend was coming in and out collecting her things . fifty-three. when we spoke on the phone, did you know i was blonde? why not? you heard my voice? i don't know. i guess she must have called him john? i'm mak- ing tea. would you like some? well, he just said, come on, hurry up, will you, because it's starting to snow again. no, it has a mind of its own. my hands? no. except he smoked. like you. yes, i could smell it on his breath, like i can on your's. no. sometimes i look after friends dogs, if they go to dances, or something? yes. i don't know. music composition . and cello . have you been here long? i'm sorry. i'll get my things. i don't think so . no one comes here at the weekends . i suppose i'm the worst witness you've ever had? well, some cars sound fat and some cars sound thin, and this kind of car sounded "hollow" . if i came to the diner with you, would you bring me back? that's alright. you suddenly reminded me of him . he was standing right where you are, kind of breathless, like you. it was probably the wind. hamlet. have you read it? you should. it's wonderful. are you wearing a uniform? oh. i'm sorry . i don't like sitting in the middle of a restaurant . i feel like everyone's looking at me . are you married? you just asked me to ask you questions. "thoughts that lie too deep for tears." no, wordsworth . do you like poetry? do you pray? you said, you were in the bad lands? sorry? coz i wanted to feel the snow on my face . i think that's when i heard her call him john? you've already asked me that . i really liked margie . have you known her long? i know what you're like . ross told me. he said you're quite chubby. and you have a nervous tick. just your age. fifty-seven . i don't mind . that was the "hollow car," john. i wanted it to be a surprise. i know. coz you hardly said a word since you got here. but you been thinking pretty loud . i don't think so . he said the police had been calling . want- ed to ask me some more questions . no i'm not. alright, i'm worried about christmas. i wish i hadn't told him i'd be back . wouldn't it be better if i cook it? you said, you can only boil? when did john divorce? what was she like? what does that mean? you think he still loves her? i haven't worn heels since i was 16. i don't think i could walk in these? you think john would like it? don't mix very well with beer. i know what you look like. excuse me. i can't walk in these shoes . why can't i stay with you? why? is that margie? i'm going back to the institute. don't say that. don't you dare say that . i believe you . then explain it to me. i got enough darkness, don't i? why does he want to kill me? i can't identify him . then why didn't he kill me? kiss me, john . kiss me i love you, kiss me again i love you . are my lips lying to you? kiss my mouth is my mouth lying to you? he. was. here. i just remembered something . i heard it hiss, twice. you gotta stop drinking, darling. i know about alcohol, john. i'm blind because my father drank. i wanna be near you . i don't want them to arrest you. oh, john, i'd do anything, anything, to get you free.