i'm not giving him pizza. i haven't seem him for a year? i'm gonna cook him a dinner. bobby's out . what's the hurry? freddy's new obsession . so tonight she confesses? no it isn't . it's californian . stop nagging him. if he doesn't want it, he doesn't want it. you- 're quacking like an old duck . you're all done except the floor. don't forget the wagon, darlin? such a shame . she's a really sweet kid . he's happy, darlin . except for the hair color, she looks just like suzanne? you want something, darling? she's in europe . he's not that bad of a guy ? her loss, darlin . not "you" blue. this isn't you. two or three years ago. suzanne? very pretty. she was a semi- professional model. but a policeman's wife she wasn't. so one day, she just packed it and left. and his whole life went straight down the nearest toilet. you know, he crashed. he just couldn't come to terms with it . john hates to lose, and he hated losing her . every spare minute, he's driving down to san diego, having a terrible time with her, getting drunk, and driving back . you just don't believe the amount he drank . think he still thinks about her. but not like then. then was an obsession. sure you can. anyway, parties are all about standing still . i think john, would love it . how you doing on those shoes? girl like you should be drinking chill white wine. press. all done. that woman is a disaster . she wants to go back to the institute . i'm here, honey. i'm right here. don't. helena can stay here if she'd like to . i'd like her to . i'll look after her . and she can look after me . i'm tired now . i must sleep . your daddy would have wanted you to be strong . we gotta be strong for daddy, darling . if you find him, john. i want you to call me. i wanna know his name. jesus. what are you doing here? i'm taking her back to the instit- ute. her new term starts tomorrow. no . i'll drive her .