i'm already walking. where is it? he has? . what's he doing here? damn a, it's o.k. with a bit of luck i'm goin home. what we got? who are you? where do you fit in, trimble? not right now. no. thank you. did you bring it with you? be my guest. what you got? would you get outside the tape. and tell your dad to put that fire out . that ain't legal . don't annoy me, travis. so where's the knife? you heard. look for the knife. "welcome to eureka." mr blattis, of our local news- paper. you sure it's a suicide? i don't think popeye would be here. find the knife. and venab- les, is the coroner called? watch my lips, coz you're not gonna believe this - this is a rare occurrence. we haven't had a body in eighteen months. oh, shit. of course. the kid. travis. find that kid and get the knife off him. he's gonna lie to you - but he's got it - so get it. well, go on, get on with it. whatta you staring at? whatta you mean, "horrible?" what do you think? how much longer we here? we're not gonna find nothing else . ? the dogs? oh, shit. ask him. think i'll lay down with him. only way i'll get outta here. glad you finally made it, bro . frozen? . i've no idea . you do a rush on three pizzas? dinner's another night, darlin . this is a drive-by. i got an hour . friday night at city hall. got a great chance to frighten the fat. a professional, whining, con-person bitch with an ass the size of africa . tonight i'm feeling lucky . what d'you mean, i just opened it for you? this is french champagne. even better. since when did you drink diet soda? how's the new residence? what does that mean? c'mon, just shut your eyes until it's painted. you're gonna love it. this is "god's country," john. seven thirty-five . here, "town gets top cop." i was gonna pin it to your wall. because, don't get into it . watch my lips . don't get into it . it's an "unsolved." they spent 500 thousand dollars & bought emselves a dead end - you might wanna check it with taylor, he worked the case. he thinks you stole his promotion. what exactly you doin there, john? that's an interesting method? must help beat the withdrawal? why don't you throw them all away, and smoke none? you want my advice? find yourself a farmer's daughter with nice big fucking tits, and shake that "bye-bye." send it to sacramento, john . i sniff grief . you gotta stop smoking . i don't mean this "system" shit that keeps you sucking, i mean stop . i was exactly like you are . i used to wake in the night - heart going so hard i coulda made love with my left tit . if i can stop, you can . someone bet me a dollar . alright. i'll bet you fifty? what are you gonna do, soldier? chief, i gotta talk to ya about this fat lady? she's making my life a misery . i wanna give her a lie-detector test? what does he think it is? it's possible. it's the garage on the far corner. worrying - clicking - picking - you may as well be back in los angeles. why don't you dump it? mail it off. give the fucking f.b.i. a present? because i dislike her too much . no you don't. that's how you think you feel about him. that's how you feel about yourself. you won't give yourself one-fucking-minute for you. pig woman agreed to take a test. a blind girl can just walk out of here, and you don't know who with? yeah, i guess i do. and you got no idea with who? where is everyone? thank christ we got a witness. what? she's blind, bro. you may as well ask one of these beethoven guys on the piano? could i just refer you to this memo here, sergeant? fifty of em. and i want em now. no, you didn't. no way . not me, mister. i'm not going up there again. might find someone's prick in a hot-dog roll. forget it. they got stringent hyg- iene rules. he's long gone in lime. so am i. but where's my money? pay me, and i shut up. then give me that zippo. i need some security. i don't trust you anymore. i don't want excuses, i want that weird-looking stuff called "cash." to throw out of the window. it's not your friend. it keeps you sucking. remem- ber the old bum's lungs? you want me to stop the car? alright, let's take a walk around the block . i gotta buy a gasket . how come the f.b.i. don't put anya this together? they work- ed over "jennifer" for months? identity of whom? you got a girl, doesn't even have a driver's lic- ense? . she's untraceable, john . you need fifty detectives on this. listen to me saying what? for a dead dog? that isn't what you said before. you're not . he's in hospital . he was trying out a new pair of skis in his hallway. the phone rings, and he goes for it, and falls off. he must be the only skier in northern california to break a leg in his living room. what does it matter what i bel- ieve? . what you gotta worry about is what citrine believes . did he shut you down? i dunno, i daren't go in there - just about get her wired up, and the fucking mayor walks in - mad as hell - what are we doing fuck- ing with his staff? we should be out chasing major violators . did i say he did? no, i think you'll find i looked like he could have? by accident even? he's up here spraying the scenery all day. say you didn't say that, angelo? oh my god mother's shit. are we in it? i can't believe it. i just know she someway busted it. yes. she's a doll. but i wish he hadn't brought her out here. i'm sure he is. but gettin in- to the "element" is a bad idea. well, that's who she is. cept she can't run away. i wouldn't mind another b.e.e.r. she married some english prick. got a handshake like a partially excited penis. why's she blind, bro? no shit. you just go easy, brother . alright, we're all goin home. no god, brother. if there was a god, asses wouldn't be at the perfect height for kicking. don't try and ingratiate your- self with me, venables. but just this once i'll have a heineken . and john here will have one, too. hey, we're not talking "talk" tonight. stop it. john, stop it. the case is on its ass, you're closed. c'mon, let it go for once . have a drink. c'mon, relax, drink your beer . you gotta stop calling los angeles . you're dragging l.a. around with you like an addiction. look at the shit you're putting yourself through? for what? for nothing, i know it, i been there. remember me? up to my asshole in anger, living off the vitamins in cigarettes? if there's a body under the snow, fuck it. let somebody else worry about it. you gotta accept you stopped living in that world, & try and give yourself a break in this . you're a fucking great policeman, but give yourself a break. you're here 5 minutes, you find yourself a fucking homicide? . not many people could do that in a place like this . and you gotta admit, there's a lot of shaky areas in this case? . i mean, stop me if i'm going up the wrong nostril . alright, she wasn't lying about the van. but it could have been any van? any little foreign diesel? . she's blind, bro . it's sad . she's pro- bably lonely, and you're a nice guy to have around . but you're getting far too far into the element, brother . you don't need me to tell you what hap- pens when you get emotionally involved? whass going on here? alright, guys. we stop this now. shut up, king jay . i'm not in here to apologize, john. i told you what was gonna happen & it's happened? "good-bye, princess," & the same night she gets attacked? that's a tough one to swallow, bro? you don't really believe this? well . i didn't know that . who d'you think it was? i'm asking it. ease off, john . everything you say sounds reason- able. but there's also a reason- able explanation for the opposite. i dunno what i can do to help you? what about citrine? don't thank me. thank margie. let's do one of these right now, then we'll hide the sonovabitch. yeah . i guess she's in the kit- chen . we got a so-called prof- essional cook out there having a nervous breakdown over a turkey . her who? hey, john, don't start getting antsy over this tonight. it may well have been the local cops? i know . ain't it a shame . you can't get in there . that's "comanche proof." i spose i'm drinking myself to sleep. it's helena's christmas songs . they're really pretty . what exactly you doing, john? now? well, let's hope he does . hey . where's your watch? it's twenty of three. bits. policemen's bodies age at diff- erent rates. look at me. gut in its fifties. balls in their six- ties. and feet in their eighties . what if we need a back up? you ain't going in alone? what the hell's going on up there, brother? i been calling 10 minutes.