don't ever stop fucking me! oh gawd, oh yes, it's never been better. never better!! never better!! open your eyes. if you ever want me to be with another woman for you, i would do it. i'm not interested in it. there was a time, yes, it felt normal for me, but it was a phase, a college thing, like torn levi's or law school for you. people change, but if you ever feel like being adventurous in that way, i would do it for you. you want anything from the kitchen i'm going to get some fruit -- jerry, this is what intimacy is! who told you? jerry. your buddy dooler worked his ass off to make you a tribute film. all those guys from the office are coming. everybody loves you. just calm down, relax, act surprised, and have an amazing time. and you'll never guess who narrates your bachelor movie. and the egyptian cotton shirt that works with or without the jacket. tell me again, how was it left with cush? ugh! good. they're all heatseekers! all of them, everybody. you keep one superstar and they'll all follow. there's no real loyalty, and the first person who told me that, jerry maguire, was you. well, it worked, and i will not let you fail. you are jerry ma- fuckin-guire. king of the housecalls! master of the living room! you are not a loser. i'm sorry. i was on a roll. i meant something else. when do you want to leave? let's go. i'll drive you. function function function. forward motion is everything. cush saves all. wait a minute, it has to be one of the nfl hotels we do business with -- let me look -- but in the meantime, about this job -- ya-hoooo-sie! don't worry about it -- i never told you what i thought of that memo either -- you lost your head, it happens. i'm so fuckin jazzed! listen. i'm going to have to fly to chicago tomorrow, how 'bout if we meet in the dallas airport and we all fly into new york together for the draft? i'll set it up with your girl. woo! this is when it's good, jerry. enjoy it. live it. love it. and when i see you, i'm going to give you the best blow job of your life. jerry! do something -- i just heard. oh honey. it's spun. it's all about you, isn't it? soothe me, save me, love me -- i have to finish my job -- jerry. you and i are salespeople. we sell -- it's not "love me." it's not "trust my handshake." it's make the sale. get it signed. there shouldn't be "confusion" about that. so honesty is outlawed here, i can't be honest? what was our deal when we first got together? brutal truth, remember? jerry, there is a "sensitivity" thing that some people have. i don't have it. i don't cry at movies. i don't gush over babies. i don't start celebrating christmas five months early, and i don't tell a man who just screwed up both of our lives -- 'oh, poor baby.' that's me. for better or worse. but i do love you. don't say it. we're both ragged out right now. i'm warning you. don't say it. you won't have another chance. no. didn't hear it. you've never been alone and you can't be alone -- no one has ever dumped me. i did the 23 hour nose-route to the top of el capitan in 6 hours! i can make this work. oh jerry. i won't let you hurt me, jerry. i'm too strong for you. loser.