look, my son is allergic to the material in these blankets - it's okay. we're in it together now. oh, tell the story. shhh. mommy's eavesdropping. first class is what's wrong. it used to be a better meal. now it's a better life. ray! ray! oh. hi. i work in your office. i was on the junket to the conference. i'm -- hmm. pretty good. my son. my mind. remember "imagination?". remember what that means? well, this is one of my bosses so you will now imagine me screaming at you right now. do not do that again. ever ever ever. well, thanks. and have fun at your bachelor party. oh no. nnnnn. i just killed the surprise. i loved your memo, by the way. i think in this age, optimism like that. it's a revolutionary act. oh tsht. yes. -- the part about "we should embrace what it is still virginal about our enthusiasm" -- -- "and we should all force open the tightly-clenched fist of commerce, and give a little back for the greater good.". i mean, i was inspired, and i'm an accountant. ray, don't spill my coffee. hey. to respect yourself enough to say it out loud, to put yourself out there, so openly. . i don't know, it got me. oh no. i'm sure it would just make your day to drive us all the way to manhattan beach, taking that left down to little tiny waterloo street where you have to play chicken with oncoming traffic, and your life flashes before your eyes, but -- hey, i've obviously had too much coffee and all -- here's my sister laurel to pick us up. thanks, though. bye. hmmph. whoever snagged him must be some classy babe -- what's going on? i'll go with you. wonderful. my favorite aunt is hearing impaired. he said "you complete me." so i know this is a bad time, but -- you will have a medical program, right? and i guess we didn't talk about money. so, i'll just dive in -- no no, i know -- absolutely. me? no. my sister -- it's a good bet. that took guts. of course, medical! if you'd read what he wrote, you would have left with him too. of course i know -- wait. where is he? wonderful. next time you lecture me, don't leave my little boy in a room with your divorced women's group. shhhh! come on, buddy, we're going to bed. what did i do? uh, she had to fly to atlanta, didn't leave me her hotel number. honey -- later, okay? whoop. wait. sorry, that's my son and the nanny. i had the calls transferred to my home so i could go over your stuff. wait. that's yesterday, from the other office. today is. light. we are? i just got goosebumps. well, i'm happy for you. happy for us. okay. here's the number. 404-453-2222. call me later, hon. wait. did i just say "hon" to him? twenty six years old. i'm already saying "hon". hug your mother quickly -- avery'll meet you at the b gate at 4:15. don't be late. tidwell will already be there. i put tidwell on the same floor at the marriott marquis. i think it's great you're taking him to the draft. he doesn't smoke, right? i have no idea. okay, have we gone over everything? back on tuesday, right? he's coming over. he just lost his best client. he called from the plane. i invited the guy over. honey, he's engaged. and for the first time in my professional life, i'm a part of something i believe in. 'night buddy. this is my favorite part of your head. hey you. he's asleep. watch out for that lamp. oh my god. too bad. jesus, it's a real gash, isn't it? sorry. uh, let me see, have a seat. i'll get you some aloe vera for that cut too. sure -- beer okay? no kidding. i looked over and saw the shadow of two curious shoes in the doorway of the kitchen. thank you. that's the girl i love. as opposed to twenty angry women? okay, you want to talk about practical? let's talk about my wonderful life. do you know what most other women my age are doing right now? they are partying in clubs, trying to act stupid, trying to get a man, trying to keep a man. not me. i'm trying to raise a man. i've got a 24 hour a day reminder of roger, for the rest of my life. i have had three lovers in four years, all boring, all achingly self-sufficient all friends of yours i might add, and all of them running a distant second to a warm bath. look at me, laurel, look at me. i'm the oldest 26 year old in the world! how do i look? thanks. drinks. food. plus, i called you a cab. so. our company. don't worry about me. i can get jobs -- -- especially one like this. truth? sure, i care about the job. of course. but mostly. . i want to be inspired. what you wrote inspired me. i'm working with you because of that memo. well. don't worry about it, boss. yeah, i did. no. no don't feel like clarence thomas. i may not sue. good evening. dennis wilburn called from arizona to say he's faxing in the new tidwell offer on thursday morning, and you'll be happy. actually he said "glad." plus, you could use that commission. you don't have to explain. yeah, what happened there. i'm relieved you said that. oh good. exactly because i know this is a time when you need to be alone with your thoughts. hey, looks like you've got a fan. yeah -- guess i got revved up at the idea of an evening among adults -- no offense buster. you meet chad the nanny? don't let him stay up too late. good, that'll put him to sleep early. no offense. we'll see you soon, honey. bye. that's the first time i ever saw him kiss a man, like a dad, wasn't that just. thrilling? i mean, he must have been needing that. oh, knock it off! maybe love shouldn't be such hard work. i know, but -- we work together. maybe you should call her. no. no way. yeah. it wasn't like my marriage to roger was so great, even before -- jerry? let's not tell our sad stories. i'll be right back. quit thinking those murky thoughts, okay? we're young, we're semi-successful. life is good. no, now. come on. let chad catch the bee in a glass. he won't hurt it. aw, buddy, you got such a good heart. i love you, i'll be home soon. can't wait to see you. come on, let's take a walk. good night. good night. i think you should not come in, or come in depending on how you feel. no. i have to go in. i live here. okay. wait here a second. do we really want to do this? he's asleep, right? still going. shhh. what is this music? i'm getting him up, don't worry.' ray will never see his mother's raging physical needs. no-- please, if i start talking -- so what am i, for taking the opportunity, laurel? oh, well, why didn't you say so? and oh, i don't know if you're interested in this detail, but i was just about to tell you that i love him. i love him, and i don't care what you think. i love him for the guy he wants to be, and i love him for the guy he almost is. i love him. oh god. that was great of you this morning. how about a little piece of integrity in this world that is so filled with greed and a lack of honorability that i don't know what to tell my kid except take a look at a guy who isn't shouting "show me the money," he's quietly broke and working for you for free! well, i'm sorry, i'm not as good at the insults as she is. in fact, you should read something that meant the world to me. fine, i just -- take care you guys. look. i was up for a job in san diego before i left smi. it's with the chargers. they offered me everything i asked for, it's only 2 hours away. i think it's good for us. two heads. my god. is this a guy thing? this rig? phht. no problem. airight, so goodbye and -- i love you. look, just in case this weekend becomes next month and next month becomes. whatever. don't make a joke of your life. go back and read what you wrote. you're better than the rest of them, better than the bob sugars, and don't forget it. no no. don't do that. don't say that if you don't. wow. we actually -- what were you thinking tonight? watching them go through the complete human emotional experience? sometimes i can't tell at all, what's going through that head of yours. and i really don't know your noises yet. okay. i will. why do you love me? it's my fault. it's not fair to you. this whole -- i took advantage of you and worst of all, i'm not alone. i did this with a kid. i was just on some ride where i thought i was in 1ove enough for both of us. i did this. and at least i can do something about it now. i don't need you to "stick." i don't know -- why fucking not! i deserve it. i think we made a mistake here. i know. i watched it. i sort of know it by heart. oh please. my need to make the best of things, and your need to be what, "responsible". if one of us doesn't say something now we might lose ten years being polite about it. why don't we call this next road trip what it is. a nice long break. there's no question you'll be friends. of course you'll be friends. come on, jerry. you know this isn't easy for me. i can't live that way. it's not the way i'm "built." i've listened to you all tell a thousand sob stories, and i have been very judgmental. frankly, i think you've all been waaaay too comfortable with your pain. plus, jan, you always spill your red wine on the couch. i've not been fair to you. women need to stick together, and not depend on the affections of a man to "fix" their lives. maybe you're all correct. men are the enemy. but i still love the enemy. aw, shut up. you had me at hello.