airight so this is the world and there are five billion people on it. when i was a kid there were three. it's hard to keep up. that's better. that's america. see, america still sets the tone for the world. in indiana -- clark hodd. 13. the best point guard in the country. puberty hasn't been easy. becky farling. you'll see her in the next olympics. seattle, washington. dallas malloy. went to court to be allowed to box professionally. she's 16. art stallings, indio, california. check out what pure joy looks like. in odessa, texas, the great frank cushman. cush is 20. quarterback, role model, my client. he'll probably go number one in the draft this year. there's genius everywhere, but until they turn pro, it's like popcorn in the pan. some pop. some don't. now i'm the guy you don't usually see. i'm the one behind the scenes. i'm the sports agent. you know those photos where the new player holds up the team jersey and poses with the owner? that's me on the left. inside that building, that's where i work. sports management international. thirty-three out of shape agents guiding the careers of 2,120 of the most finely-tuned athletes alive. in this economy, sometimes emotions run a little high. lately, it's gotten worse. two nights later in miami at our corporate conference, a breakthrough. breakdown? breakthrough. it was the oddest, most unexpected thing. i began writing what they call a mission statement for my company. you know -- a mission statement -- a suggestion for the future. what started out as one page became twenty-five. suddenly i was my father's son. i was remembering the simple pleasures of this job, how i ended up here out of law school, the way a stadium sounds when one of my players performs well on the field. i was remembering even the words of the late dicky fox, the original sports agent, who said: and suddenly it was all pretty clear. the answer was fewer clients. caring for them, caring for ourselves, and the games too. starting our lives, really. hey, i'll be the first to admit it. what i was writing was somewhat "touchy feely." i didn't care. i had lost the ability to bullshit. it was the me i'd always wanted to be. i printed it up in the middle of the night, before i could re-think it. i was 35. i had started my life. now little do i know that my assistant. has assumed that i've now proposed. so she has gotten the lounge band to actually play "here comes the bride" when we walk back in.