easy now, we can spread these numbers over five years. listen, there's no proof of anything except that this guy is a sensational athlete. yes! come on -- it'd take a tank to stop your dad. it would take all five super trooper vr warriors, right? thanks. hi, it's jerry maguire. uh, listen did those manuscripts get. oh they did. no no no no no, that's fine. jerry in suit, alone with his luggage. dry throat. clammy, holds onto the handrail to steady himself. i have to ask. where'd you find the perfect white shirt? jerry maguire. smi. well. good luck with that -- i think you'll know when you see him at the gate. i uh. don't think we're quite at your pitch yet. she's an nfl publicist. amazing sense of style. former athlete. volleyball. world class. really knows how to live every moment of her life, which is why i should take a nap now. no no. --so our first date, she told me about her favorite place in the world, the seven pools of hana on the island of maui. a year-and-a-half later, we were both in hawaii for the pro bowl. now i've always hit a wall at 18 months. every serious girlfriend lasts 18 months. it's like --ka- boom. the curse of 18 months. exactly. and the world does not need another 35 year-old bachelor. i knew i wanted to propose, so i took her there. to the pools. now she's miss rock climber, and i'm more the non-rock climber, but we're hiking up through the pools and there's a fine mist in the air, and i have the ring in my pocket, and i'm a little nervous, i'm lagging behind, and she says to me, get this -- "hurry up, klutz." well, it bothered me somewhat. and i got quiet. and now she's quiet and we're both pouting a little, you know. and i decide i'm not going to propose. the mood is not right. why be impulsive? now at this point i know she knows that i was going to propose and didn't. and she knows i know. so the entire sixty mile ride back to the airport, we don't speak. and we're both good at that. we fly to honolulu in silence. we check into the pro bowl hotel -- but wait. which they do. and we're standing there. all the football guys are in the lobby, watching, there's even an espn crew. so i turn to her and sort of grandly say, "well, this is me, klutz, asking you, goddess of rock climbing, to marry me." and i took out the ring, and i don't much like big scenes, but she said "yes" right there in the lobby and some of the toughest men in football wept like babies. we're getting married in february. you'll know when you see him. you'll know when you see him. can i help? i know who y6u are. you're dorothy boyd. you're in. wait. you're in accounts. you have the middle cubicle toward the back with that poster of albert einstein morphed onto shaquille 0 neal's body. now what did you lose? well, while i go look for him, why don't you hang onto this curious gentleman behind you -- well, take care. no no. i knew. no, i'm just. anxiously looking past it. i already had my bachelor party. it was called "my twenties." see you later. thanks. actually, it was just a "mission statement." you think so? i appreciate that, because some of that stuff. you know, it was two in the morning and. thanks. may i offer you both a ride? dorothy. ray. a pleasure. three, swing. sooner. or later. i'll have to stop. you know. i don't think we need to do the thing where we tell each other everything! one of the accountants. oh come on -- you're imagining it. dooler, you know bob sugar. this is. uh. too funny. thanks, wendy. marcee. how's my favorite player's wife? tyson, hello. how can i make your life better? marcee -- this is one of our agents. this is bob sugar, who needs to learn to knock. not a chance. marcee, things are changing around here. you and rod will have my total personal attention. damn right. gimme a second here. tidwell. arizona contract. new glass cabinet. i'm fine. what's up? pardon me? aw shit. the crowded restaurant. so there's no scene. you. you. ungrateful. unctuous. dick. you'll lose. i'm over it. now i want all my clients and yours too. -- and i'll get 'em. carla, right now you're paying 25% of your endorsments to smi, i would cut my commission by 7%. and when i got you that big contract in chicago, and the fan poll in the sun-times was 93% against you, who went and found you that sympathetic journalist who turned it all around, it was me. smi represents all three quarterbacks on your team, where's their loyalty going to be? you stay with me, i'd fight for you alone. you'd be my only client on that team. -- personal attention -- -- a family of athletes -- kathy! hi, it's jerry maguire. still me, kathy. rod! how ya doing? jerry maguire. i hear what you're saying. okay. now you want arizona dollars. i need a decision from you, rod. mmm. hmm. yes. i got it. show. me. the. money. well, don't worry! i'm not going to do what you think i'm going to do, which is flip out! but let me just say, as i ease out of the office i helped build -- sorry, but it's a fact -- -- that there is such a thing as manners. a way of treating people. these fish have manners! they have manners. in fact. they're coming with me! i'm starting a new company, and the fish will come with me and. you can call me sentimental. it's okay. it's okay. but if anybody else wants to come with me, this moment will be the ground floor of something real and fun and inspiring and true in this godforsaken business and we will do it together! who's coming with me besides. "flipper" here? anybody going with me? wendy? shall we? okay, anybody else? dorothy boyd! thank you! we will see you all again. sleep tight! let's see how they do without us. wonder what he said. sure. yes. medical, i don't know. give me your number. i'll call tomorrow. i'm just a little. i'm a little insane right now. but it's going to be great. but i mean really. wonderfully. great. and when you think about what you've done later, don't panic. same to you. the power move is to go unannounced. black suit, right? "dad says we gwan sleep on it. seventy-two clients. one stayed. jacket on, tie in pocket. i think i was trying to sleep with you at the time. that's right. okay, this is working. who said anything about "loser?" where do you get this word "loser?" now. what if i don't get him? no thanks. matt, i came here because in all honesty your son is just another piece of cattle to smi. but to me -- oh, thank you. you know, i'm not a hugger and yet. i can't let go. it's either going to be denver or san diego trading up to take him. i'll give it everything. feelin. dorothy? jerry maguire! is avery there? where can i reach her? hello? no, that's fine. what calls came in today? shit, it's just so frustrating to not be able to talk to avery -- dorothy, let me tell you something, we are back. we are so very very back. i re-signed cush. we're set. it's all going to work. it's all going to work. we're going to save the world. happy for us. thanks. avery, i signed cush. again. i know. sorry i threw a scare into our lives there -- well, no you didn't -- it's a plan -- -- hey, man, you know they have big balloons built into cars? they do, my brother. i have no idea. so ray, if there's an accident or something, it goes pwoooooooof -- -- and you go booooong. and you're safe. yep. have a good time at school, ray. wish me luck. let me think about that. want something to drink? wait. what do you mean? this can't be happening to me. hey. knock it off. what are you, five years old? am i taking the kids to chuck e. cheese here? grow up, both of you! we are a family. and we go to the draft in an at last i find you. come on. come with me. we're going to take a walk through this lobby. i want every media guy, every player rep, everybody to see you for what you are. the best- kept secret in the nfl. the biggest wide-receiver in the game. let 'em see ya, rod. and whatever you do, don't sit down. let 'em see how big you are. you ready? let's do it. yeah. and it might have even worked too. i gotta get back to cushman. you know what was great about you down there? for about five minutes, you unloaded that rather expansive, let me just say "large" chip that resides right there on your shoulder, and you know what? you were brilliant. take care. i'm not about love -- i'm about "showing you the money." get some sleep. see you tomorrow. call me tomorrow. cush, matt -- we have a decision to make. okay. san diego just came in with a last-minute scenario. it's big. he still goes number one, but san diego wants to trade up with new england -- they want him bad. denver got very silent about a day ago. san diego's got a fever for cush. this stuff tends to happen the night before a draft. people get crazy. and san diego, you should know, is crazy to the tune of seven years for thirty. signing bonus of eight. million. just be friendly and say "no comment." "this is cush." "no comment. look, before i go back to denver. i think we should put something down on paper. something that says, "hey, i'm with jerry maguire." do i know everything there is to know here? you fellas aren't talking with bob sugar, are you? said who? sugar? so you empowered bob sugar to deal with denver behind my back? i brought denver to twenty million. denver deals with me all the time. you listened to sugar? you let that snake in the door. it's okay. you want denver. i'll fix this up. you didn't sign anything with sugar, right? shut up! i'm sorry. sorry. now. wait. you didn't actually sign with sugar, did you? tell me you didn't sign. because i'm still sort of moved by your "my word is stronger'n oak" thing -- well. okay. of course. you're twenty years old, and i'm just another guy in a suit. it's all business. it didn't work out. you didn't buy my product, which is, unfortunately, mm. let me see, there's a speech that i'm supposed to make -- right! -- "i'll be out there cheering for you." "the door is always open!" see? i'm a class act. but maybe this would have all worked, us being real human beings, coming through for each other, really, and now i'll never know. you'll never know. weren't you curious? no. okay, well, i'll be fine. and you'll be fine. and keith i bope you do call me. i'm sorry. excuse me. what do i do? how do i spin this? what did i do to you? could you just stop moving? everything's on the fucking run! everything -- look, i don't want a -- go ahead. jump right on into my nightmare. the water's warm. tell you what -- i'd prefer loyalty. i think you added the "brutal." avery -- -- stop -- listen to me! it's over -- there is something missing here. listen to me, it's over. i'm not trying to make history. no. you know i didn't ever want to hurt you. very much. rod -- what are you doing with me, rod? don't you even see -- i'm finished. i'm fucked. twenty-four hours ago, i was hot. now. i'm a cautionary tale! see this jacket i'm wearing? you like it? i don't really need it, because i'm cloaked in failure. i lost the number one draft pick the night before the draft. they will teach my story to other agents on "do not do this" day in agent school. why? let's recap. because a hockey player's kid made me feel like a superficial jerk, i had two slices of bad pizza, went to bed, grew a conscience and wrote a 25-page manifesto of doom! the least you could do is nod and act sympathetic -- it's a quality that might come in handy for a commercial sometime. why not? another drink please. oh my god. okay, turn here! sharp right turn. 8831 3. 4 waterloo. yes, good, floor it, kill us!! i'm jerry maguire. honesty. thank you. hi. thanks for inviting me over. where's the little guy? i'm glad you're home. that "alone" thing is. not my specialty. yeah. that too. i broke up with avery. better now than later. we'll still be friends. i'm dying here. and just think if i got her the ring she really wanted. do you have something to drink? my brother works for the white house. he pretends he's an intellectual. he pretends he's from the east coast. i was supposed to be the successful one. yeah, thanks. hi ray. wait. i want to tell you more about my dad. okay. i've been hogging it. you're right. aw, the fucking thing. i mean, the zoo is closed. yeah i know. i did. we'll go to the zoo sometime. okay? i think i might have some time on my hands. funny. good idea. thank you. right. of course. okay. lil' speech before i go. do. not. worry. about. your. job. our company is in good shape. you and your son. we. are just fine. you still have a job. i want you to feel confident! in. me. and i have a problem with people who talk about themselves in the third person, but let me tell you something about jerry maguire. come after me and you will lose i am a survivor! do not underestimate jerry maguire! i've got wits! we will be fine! and i am. i am drunk. sure. me too. mission. statement. sorry about this hand. you know that feeling -- you're not completely embarrassed yet, but you glimpe tomorrow's embarrassment? oh shit. you said "boss." now i feel like clarence thomas. no, i do. i feel like clarence thomas. i'm like. harrassing you. right now. well, good evening. we'll be okay. and i'm going to take my. one client and we're gonna go all the way. hey. i'm back. we gotta talk about his contract, dennis. i started talking with dennis wilburn about your renegotation. uh, not today, but -- i understand your anxiety. that's your word? but how did you get "kwan?" great word. towel? rod, i say this with great respect, but those players you mentioned are marquee players and -- you. here's what i'm saying. this is a renegotiation. we want more from them, so let's show them more from us. let's show them your pure joy of the game, let's bury the attitude a little, let's show them -- no, i'm saying to be -- rod, i'm not a rascist. i'm telling you to be the best version of you, to get back to the guy who first started playing this game. way back when you were a kid. it wasn't just about the money, was it? fine. forget it. forget it. i'm out here for you! you don't know what it's like to be me out here for you. it is an up-at-dawn pride-swallowing seige that i will never fully tell you about! okay?! help me help you help me help you. hey. i'm happy to entertain you! i'll see you in l.a.! happy. he said "happy?" good. good. glad is good. i sunk most of what i had into this condo, which devalued, and -- look, the other night, i want to apologize. we're two people working together and we can't have an atmosphere. i mean, the other night was. i felt like you understood something i could barely even say, something way down deep in the murk -- -- but we have a company here to think about. i won't ever take advantage of you in that way again. you walked out on a job for me, and i won't ruin that. you want to go out to dinner? wow. that's more than a dress. that's an audrey hepburn movie. yeah, i did -- am i dressed okay? i guess i didn't realize we were. bye you guys. it was laziness1 my whole breakup with avery. you know that thing you say, "it's nobody's fault." it's one of the great lies, right? someone is always to blame -- if you go for it, go for it like you do a job, work at it -- see, you choose. if you fall for someone, if you make a commitment, you should make it work. it's only when "options" entered the picture that things got bad. i'm speaking historically now. it's a modern day concept, nueroticism -- how do i feeeeeel? -- i think the only good thing to no no no. i just underestimated her. her temper, i guess. why are we even talking about this? you want a -- what? well -- this would be goodnight. i'll see you tomorrow. same to you. right. i'll come in. oh hell yes. yeah. well. easy, easy -- i could pretend i didn't hear, but i won't, i heard everything. thank you for your honesty, as always. oh, no thanks. we bottom-feeders prefer cereal first -- a lot. we got a big fax today. we need this commission, buddy. look, let's just root for a big offer so we can move out of this room to a real office. aw shit -- i'll go back to them. okay, we don't take this emotionally. we roll with this problem. marcee -- another time, okay dorothy? and i appreciate that impulse. if you get injured, you get nothing. it's a risk. i'll get you some quick work -- don't be silly. don't even talk about that yet. i'll find something fast for tidwell. we'll stay afloat. bill, rod, wait -- rod, get on the camel. airight. enough. i'm pulling him out of this. this isn't what i had in mind anyway. can i ask you a question totally unrelated to your career? what do you know about dating a single mother? tell me, because it's been a month, and she's about to take another job in san diego. how do i know? no, i don't know. but i sure don't like that she's leaving. the kid is amazing. i didn't "shoplift the pooty." we were thrown together and -- i mean it's two mutual people who -- alright, i shoplifted the pooty. right up ahead, buddy -- -- i give you my favorite animal in the zoo. are you ready for the weirdness, the strange perfection and truth of. it's in a cage. do not be scared of. the two-headed corn snake. both heads have brains. both heads eat, both heads battle for direction all day long. man, can i relate. i'm not good at this. i'll see you this weekend, okay? promise. sure you're okay to drive this? so i'll see you this weekend. i love you too, you know. what -- wait a second. wait a second! i know a way to s. to save on medical and rent and. look. what if we stayed together? what if we uh. got married. if i said that, would you stay? will you marry me? in the band. yeah, we did. glad we had this talk! no. how's your head? bubblicious. i'm a little worried -- we can still take the offer, rod. well, just stay healthy. i will show you the kwan. i'll see you in arizona. take care, okay? you're my entire client roster. what's that supposed to mean? i don't know -- how's "dedication" for an answer? why are you doing this to me, rod? no, you're -- not everyone has what you have. you're jabbing at me. no, i'm going to answer you. you want an answer? i'll give it to you. loyalty. she was loyal. everything grew from there. damn right. look. i'm happy to entertain you, as always, but i have a question for you. are we really "friends?" well, friends can tell each other anything, right? if we have our "friends" hats on -- airight. here's why you don't have your ten million dollars yet. you are a paycheck player. you play with your head. not your heart. in your personal life? heart. but when you get on the field -- fine. we still having dinner in l.a.? i was thinking i hope he doesn't get injured. i felt responsible. well, when you wonder, ask me. why do you love me? tonight. yeah, the red-eye, i'll be in arizona on monday. what -- tell me -- let me help -- well -- i'm not the guy who's going to run. i stick. you want. my soul or something. dorothy -- what if i'm just not built that way? what if it's true? "great at friendship bad at intimacy." i mean, come on. it's the theme of my bachelor film -- i don't like to give up. what about ray? so this break. is a break-up. don't wake up. it was just a mission statement. get the fuck away from my guy, sugar. go. flee. i missed ya. what can i say? he took a shot. he's unconscious. keep the phone open. i'll call back. stay calm. he's got some good doctors out there. alright, i'm freaking too. but they need you to stay calm. i'll call back. don't touch him!!! hello. it's marcee. she says she couldn't get through on your phone. tommy. i love you. hello. i'm looking for my wife. alright. if this is where it has to happen, then this is where it has to happen. i'm not letting you get rid of me. how about that? this used to be my specialty. i was good in a living room. send me in there, i'll do it alone. and now i just. i don't know. but on what was supposed to be the happiest night of my business life, it wasn't complete, wasn't nearly close to being in the same vicinity as complete, because i couldn't share it with you. i couldn't hear your voice, or laugh about it with you. i missed my wife. we live in a cynical world, and we work in a business of tough competitors, so try not to laugh -- i love you. you complete me. take care, marcee. we'll see you at the restaurant.