jerry, rod is very very upset. tyson, no!
i know you say to take the arizona offer, but my husband needs more recognition.
you've called our house, right?
now i don't know what you do for your five-percent, but this man, my husband has a whole plan, an image.  we majored in marketing, jerry, and when you put him in a waterbed warehouse commercial, excuse me, you are making him common. he is pure gold and you're giving him "waterbed warehouse" when he deserves the big four -- shoe, car, clothing- line, soft-drink. the four jewels of the celebrity endorsement dollar.
you gonna get that --
damn right, and you can start by taking rod's poster and putting it where people can see it!
look at that handsome man, trying to build a life up there by the air-conditioner. we're coming to get ya, darlin! we are so close to having it all!
read it to me, and don't say anything unless it's over nine.
one-point-seven for three years. that's below average. we owe more than that.
and say what? "please remove your dick from my ass?!"
i'm sorry. i'm a little pregnant right now.
what are you talking about -- "don't get emotional." if you ask me, you haven't gotten emotional enough about this man.
what do you stand for???
no, that was pretty good.
"all we can get?"
you know what you're qonna do, rodney. you're gonna reject this shitty contract. you're gonna play out your existihg shitty contract and go be a free agent next year and the hell with arizona. this is us, and we determine our worth. you're a fine, proud, surviving, splendid black man.
i'm sorry what i said back there.
my husband believes in you. we're gonna make it. bye bye dorothy.
why don't you be the first man in your family not to say that word? and then we'll let you live.
now go kiss your daddy, quick.
-- so i go to see a so-called "black" film the other day -- -- honey, no more salt for you, i don't want you dehydrated for monday night football. most important game of your career.
oh baby --
baby. baby. baby.
what does daddy say?
boy, no s-h-i-t.
can you be quiet?
shut up!!!
can't you be loyal to your brother who loves you?? get out of my house!
i'm freakin out. oh god i'm --
"stay calm?" i'm freakin.
my whole life is this family, jerry. it doesn't work without him.
you ain't talking now, are you??? you're a silent motherfucker!