monkeyface. monkeyface, listen. i'm not going to say it here. no. oh listen, i got you the perfect white shirt, at this out of the way place. no. quit trying to make me say it! how about if i do it and don't say it. mmmm. see you soon. what -- you're with the sports people on the plane, right? bobbi fallon. bpi. i'm producing the coke commercials for the playoffs. can i just get a quick "man's" opinion from you on something? and i can't say his name without laughing i want to eat him up. i want to say goodbye to every bad thought i ever had about relationships. i mean, i crave this guy. and yet. why. why did i have that affair this weekend? does that mean i'm not in love with my boyfriend? it's the death rattle of my singlehood, right? because i finally see the white picket fence looming and i love it. hate it. love it. hate it. love it. you're right, i'll know when i see him. why is it so easy to talk with you?! tell me about your fiancee. tell me, and then you can sleep. oh, tell the story. gorgeous. that's when you need to cement, and define define define. to the pools? oh no -- how sad -- jerry. you two will be together forever. oh my god, you're right. i know. he's not the one. he's not the one.