where'd you get all this nazi stuff? boss, oswald impersonators? sounds like james bond now. if this is oswald, it must be our third oswald. could be ferrie, martin, andrews, any of 'em. my instinct is that ferrie is going to keep on deteriorating, and we'll end up getting more out of him when he finally cracks. if we call him now, he might freeze up and we could lose the best shot we've ever had. when you're in a war, boss, you use every weapon you got. the u.s. attorney in washington "declines" to serve our subpoena on allen dulles, charles cabell, cia director richard helms, or any fbi agent we named. without them, it's going to be near impossible, chief, to prove shaw's connection to the cia. we got the same problem with the governors. all of them. reagan in california won't give us brading, ohio refuses orville townsend, texas on arcacha, and nebraska on sandra moffet. we haven't tried to get julia anne mercer in? "threat to assassinate president kennedy in dallas, texas, november 22-23. information received by the bureau has determined that a militant revolutionary group may attempt to assassinate president kennedy on his proposed trip to dallas, texas, etc, etc" bill wasted a goddamn month trying to prove that mob boys like barding and jack ruby played ball in right field with hunt oil. i've seen him copying files, leaving here late at night. jim, bad news. bill's turned, boss. i think he's given everything we've got to the feds. boss, with broussard they have everything. all our witnesses, our strategy for the trial. we'd have to doublecheck all his work, there could be false leads. we gotta rethink this trial. he was one of broussard's witnesses, chief. i'm sorry. he was totally sane when we took his affidavit. we're filing for a writ to the appellate court.