all this blubbering over that sonofabitch! they're grieving like they knew the man. it makes me want to puke. a bullshit president! i don't see any weeping for all the thousands of cubans that bastard condemned to death and torture at the bay of pigs. where are all the tears for the russians and hungarians and chinese living like slaves in prison camps run by kennedy's communist buddies - all these damned peace treaties! i'm telling ya jack, that's what happens when you let the niggers vote. they get together with the jews and the catholics and elect an irish bleeding heart. bullshit! bartender, another round. here's to the new frontier. camelot in smithereens. i'll drink to that. well, the kid musta gone nuts, right? i said oswald must've flipped. just did this crazy thing before anyone could stop him, right? get home my ass. we're going to the office, have another drink. i want some company tonight. who'd ever thought that goofy oswald kid would pull off a stunt like an assassination? just goes to show, you can never know about some people. am i right, jack? well, bless my soul. your eyes are as red as two cherries, jack. don't tell me we have another bleeding heart here. hell, all these years i thought you were on my side. i couldn't be more serious, jack. those big red eyes have me wondering about your loyalty. who the hell opened my files! you've been looking through my private files, haven't you, you weasel? you found out about dave ferrie going to texas today and you went through all my files to see what was going on. you're a goddamn spy. i always lock my files. and you were the only one here today. what do you mean, you son of a bitch? you didn't see a goddamn thing, you little weasel. do you get it? you didn't see a goddamn thing. see this? what the hell is this doing on this piece of paper? asshole. it's okay, delphine, he's with us.