get kohlman. he told somebody the texas trip. yesterday mentioned to somebody about ferrie. find it out. so it seems that dave ferrie drove off on a friday afternoon for texas - a source told kohlman he might have been a getaway pilot for oswald. the anonymous kind, chief. pretty fast, wasn't it. the way they let him go. at 7:30 sunday morning? it's not exactly fresh blood we're sniffing here, boss. what the hell's a communist like lee oswald doing working out of banister's? well, he likes to work near his old pals. lord, wake me, please. i must be dreaming. well, it's a terrific yard, chief, but the man's an obvious alcoholic with a reputation lower than crocodile piss. he'll never sign a statement, boss, let alone get on a witness stand. and the six of us, with almost no budget and in secret, are going to solve the case that the warren commission with dozens of support staff and millions of dollars couldn't solve. we can't keep up with the crimes in the parish as it is, chief. gee, thanks boss. why not go right to the horse's mouth, chief? maybe there's more to this, susie. the cia's keeping something from our enemies. susie, you're an assistant d.a., remember. stick to what you can prove in court. i'm lost, boss. what are we saying here? and therefore because oswald pulled the trigger, the intelligence community murdered their own commander in chief. that's what you're saying! he had his palm print on the weapon. but why? i still have to question what the legal basis is that supports this, boss. susie's stuff is colorful, but. what do you think, lou? you, numa? now you guys, come on. you're talking about the united states government here! clay bertrand, willie? did he pay you for this? and that's where you met oswald for the first time? go on, willie. who is he, joe? i've been to every bar, no one wants to talk. what's the other name? clay bertrand is clay shaw? the guy who used to run the international trade mart? so why does he call himself bertrand? i fould clay bertrand. grab your socks and pull. clay bertrand is clay shaw. that's gonna be tough. nobody's talking. come on, chief. i'm sorry, mr. shaw, it's getting late. that's all the questions we have. thank you for your honesty and for coming in today. we didn't talk to ruby 'cause of them and they're on our asses for a measly $8,000! and you, too, my friend. the crazies have taken over the asylum! it's a zoo out there. that's fine, numa, but what about all the people who aren't writing letters. they're sitting home reading all these lies. i just heard nbc crew's in town to do a "white paper" - not on the kennedy killing, but on us. one of their top guys, harry stoner, is talking to everybody he can find about you, boss. look, this is bigger than all of us. we can't try a case in this atmosphere. well, they offered you the carrot, and you turned it down. you know what's coming next, don't you, boss? it's addressed to no one and no signature. "to leave this life is, for me, a sweet prospect. i find nothing in it that is desirable and on the other hand, everything that is loathsome." found another note, same thing, no name, no signature. "when you receive this, i will be quite dead, so no answer will be possible. i offered you love. all i got in return in the end was a kick in the teeth." the fact is he's gone, chief, and so's our case. with whose testimony? willie o'keefe? a male prostitute. jack martini? a drunk? vernon bundy? a dope fiend. shaw's got respect, the newspaper editors, the american bar association - they're not. where you going, boss? hey, where y'at, frank? you're wasting your time here. big jim gave strict orders. no fbi allowed. boss would fry me in hog fat if he knew. yeah, i guess you do. frank, i don't want to hear it. no, i'm not. what the hell is going on? never before has an extradition request from this office been refused. yeah. they were seen together in clinton in early september. the civil rights movement was running a voter registration drive. rumor is shaw, a local boy, was working on some arms deal to discredit the civil rights movement. no one really knows what they were doing there, but everyone sure saw 'em. they stood out like cottonballs. i got whites and blacks saw 'em, but last time i checked there was nothing illegal with registering to vote. we still got the negro junkie, vernon bundy, saw 'em talkin' at the seawall near lake pontchartrain. but it's tough, boss - no one wants to talk about shaw. he's. keep saying what? i don't buy it, chief - why would the fbi cover it up? you're talking the whole fbi here. a telex that disappears from every single fbi office in the country? maybe i have a little more respect for this country's institutions than you do, susie. you tell me how the hell you can keep a conspiracy going between the mob, the cia, fbi, and army intelligence and who knows what else, when you know you can't even keep a secret in this room between 12 people! we got leaks everywhere! we're going to trial here! what the hell do we really got? oswald, ruby, banister, ferrie are dead. shaw - maybe he's an agent, i don't know, but as a covert operator in my book he's wide open for blackmail 'cause of his homosexuality. so for those reasons, you're going to trial against clay shaw, chief? well, you're gonna lose! we should be investigating all our mafia leads here in new orleans - carlos marcello, santos trafficante - i can buy that a hell of a lot easier than the government. ruby's all mob, knows oswald, sets him up. hoffa - trafficante - marcello, they hire some guns and they do kennedy and maybe the government doesn't want to open up a whole can o'worms there because it used the mob to get to castro. y'know, castro being assassinated sounds pretty wild to john q. citizen. so they close the book on j.f.k. it makes sense to me. oh, now you're saying lyndon johnson was involved? the president of the united states? boss, are you calling the president a murderer? maybe 'cause there's some rogue element in the government! yeah. this is louisiana, chief. how the hell do you know who your daddy is? 'cause your momma told you so. you're way out there taking a crap in the wind, boss, and i for one ain't going along on this one. jim sighs, saddened. bill was one of his best men.