so several hours after the assassination, a disturbed portrait is emerging of lee harvey oswald. described as shy and introverted, he spent much of his childhood in new orleans, louisiana and went to high school there. after a stint in the marines, he apparently became fascinated by communism and in 1959 defected to the soviet union. and apparently, bob, oswald had been passing out pro-castro pamphlets for an organization called fair play for cuba, a communist front he reportedly belongs to. bill. it's you i want to talk to, bill. your boss got a serious problem, bill. real serious. we know what's been going on at your office you've got nothin', bill. i'm talking as a friend now. you're riding on the titanic. time to jump off before you get destroyed along with garrison. senator long set your boss up, my friend. who do you think fed him that information? garrison's going down. we're talking your career here, bill, your life. you're a young guy. we know you're working that castro thing. yes, you are. look we know oswald didn't pull that trigger. castro did. but if that comes out, there's gonna be a war, boy - millions of people are gonna die. that's a hell of a lot more important than jim garrison. goddammit, look at me when i talk to you! you're too goddamn self- opinionated, now shut up. if you got a brain in that thick skull of yours, listen to me. listen real hard.