i was standing here next to my friend mary mooman, who took the photograph when he was killed. i jumped out in the street and yelled, "hey mr. president, look over here, we wanna take your picture." he looked up and then shots rang out. mary fell to the ground right away, shouting, "get down, they're shooting, get down, they're shooting." i knew it but i was moving to get closer to him. the driver had stopped - i don't know what was wrong with that driver. and then, out of the corner of my eye, i saw this flash of light, in the bushes and that last shot. just ripped his head off, i mean, blood, brains, just blew everything. i looked up and saw smoke from the knoll. and everything was frozen - seemed like people wasn't even breathing, like you're looking at a picture - except this one guy. i saw this one guy running from the book depository towards the railroad tracks. and that was the same man i saw on tv two days later shooting oswald. that was jack ruby. no question about it. it was him i was chasing up the grassy knoll, thinking our guys had shot back and maybe we got one of them. i don't know what i would have done if i had caught him, but i knew something terrible had happened and somebody had to do something. oh no, i'm not. i don't know you. we gotta catch this shooter - don't you realize? he put a hurt on me but good. i don't have any pictures! i have to go back and find my friend mary. lemme alone! these new people never identified themselves. they musta been watching the whole thing 'cause they knew everything mary and me had been doing that day. i guess i wasn't too hard to find - wearing that red raincoat. four to six. which is strange 'cause this is less than 20 minutes after the assassination. no, i saw a guy shooting from over there. he was behind that fence. what are you going to do about it? i was scared. it was all kinda queer, but it sure felt like two and two was coming up three. and then they took mary's five snapshots from me, sent them to washington, and when they returned them weeks later, two of them had the backgrounds mutilated. the only one we saved was in mary's camera. i didn't want to go to washington when the warren commission subpoenaed me. so the lawyer come down here and interviewed me at parkland hospital. he asked me why i thought i was in danger and i said: well if they can kill the president, they can certainly get me. no, you don't! he kept trying to get me to change my story about the shots. he was getting hot under the collar, and telling the woman not to write when he wanted. look, do you want the truth, or just what you want me to say? the truth is that i heard between four and six shots. i'm not going to lie for you. no. i had guns all my life. i used to go turtle shooting. so off the record, he starts talking about my family, and even mentioned my marriage was in trouble like i didn't know it or something. he got angrier and angrier and then: i knew something was crooked as a dog's hind leg, 'cause no one who is just taking a deposition gets that involved and angry. sure enough, when i finally read my testimony as published by the warren commission, it was a fabrication from start to finish. damned right i would. somebody's got to tell the truth around here 'cause the government sure ain't doing it.