welcome, district attorney garrison. may i call you jim? first we had your charge that the cuban exiles killed the president, then the mob, then you said the oil billionaires did it, then you said the minutemen and the ku klux klan collaborated to do it, now your latest theory seems to be that the cia and the fbi and the pentagon and the white house all combined in some elaborate conspiracy to kill john kennedy. let me ask you, is there anyone besides lee harvey oswald who you think did not conspire to kill the president? there have been a number of reports in reputable news media - time, newsweek, our own nbc - that you have gone way beyond the legal means available to a prosecutor, that you've intimidated and drugged witnesses, bribed them, urged them to commit perjury. what is your response? some people would say you're paranoid. are they? why would they? pictures like this don't show up on television! no, it can't! we'll be back after these messages. gentlemen, i want you to know i'm not going to let vietnam go the way china did. i'm personally committed. i'm not going to take one soldier out of there 'til they know we mean business in asia. you just get me elected, and i'll give you your damned war.