my god, he sure looks like a creep. what's he talkin' 'bout. a patsy? icy, you mean. he gives me the willies. come on sugarplums, it's past your bedtimes. come on, let's go upstairs. mattie - get ahold of yourself. jim, dinner's just about ready. i've got a surprise for you. tried something new. jim? jim, dinner. come on now, we'll talk about it at the table, dinner's getting cold. what are you doing in here? uh huh. mattie, i'll do the dishes, you take be up now. and elizabeth, too, your bedtime, honey. honey, that was three years ago - we all tried so hard to put that out of our minds, why are you digging it up again? you're the d.a. of new orleans. isn't the kennedy assassination a bit outside your domain? i mean all those important people already studied it. well maybe you're right, jim. i'll give you one hour to solve the case. until the kids are in bed. then you're mine and mr. kennedy can wait 'til morning. come on, everybody say goodnight to daddy. one hour, y'hear? some saturday night date you are. mama warned me this would happen if i married such a serious man. honey, you all right? i cannot believe this. it's four- thirty, jim garrison. i have five children are gonna be awake in another hour and . these books are getting to your mind, mr. garrison. i wish you'd stop readin' them. jim, what is going on, for heaven's sake! you going to stay up all night every night? for what? so you'll be the only man in america who read the entire 26 volumes of the warren report? honey, go back to sleep, please! will you stop rattling on about kennedy for a few minutes, honey. come on. do you have any evidence against him, jim? clay shaw's done so much for the city with all that restoration in the quarter. he's well connected, all his friends, the money, people, be careful, jim. jim, come on, honey, get down on your hands and knees and hunt for jasper's easter egg. but jim, we're going to antoine's with the kids - like we do every year. but why in the lord's name would you do it in the middle of easter sunday when you knew we were. look at the calendar, for christ's sake. you said a sunday, not easter sunday. you're missing most of your life, jim, and you don't even know it. the kids are missing out too. it's not just you making the sacrifice here, honey. we're going to start without him and he'll be here for dessert. snapper, you put that back! soon. he's real sorry he can't start with us but he's promised to be here. hi. my sympathies. we waited for you. hours, jim. you could have telephoned, for god's sake. it's easter! you promised, jim. i think you care more about john kennedy than your family! all day long the kids are asking, "where's daddy?" what am i supposed to tell your kids, jim! that sounds dandy, but it doesn't replace a father and a husband on easter day. no, he's not here now. and he would not take calls here if he were! so please call the office number. thank you. two of them even had the gall to come to the door this afternoon, one all the way from england. it's not funny, jim, i'm scared. i haven't, jim. leave us alone for god's sake! . oh, it's lou. who are you talking to? who's this?. hello?. hello? what did he ask you? did you enter virginia into a beauty contest? a man just called. he asked her everything! your daughter's life was just threatened! our home, jim! a kidnapper, a murderer, who knows! how do you know? how do you even know what goes on in this house anymore! you're too busy making speeches, stirring up every crazed klansman in louisiana after us! i'm leaving. i'm taking the kids and i'm leaving! i won't stand it anymore. you and your government! what's the matter with you? don't you have any feelings? your daughter! what kind of man are you? jim, before this kennedy thing, nothing mattered to you in this life more than your children. the other night jasper tried to show you a drawing. you didn't even notice he was there. he came to me bawling his little eyes out. jim, he's sensitive - he needs more from you. is it such a chore? i don't understand you. i'm not fighting you, jim, i'm just trying to reach you. you've changed. i don't want to see, goddammit! i'm tired. i've had enough! they say you don't have anything anyway! everybody in town's talking. you're ruining this man shaw's life! you're attacking him because he's homosexual! going ahead with this stupid "trial"! did you ever once stop and consider what he's going through? oh, i don't know anymore! i believe there was a conspiracy, but not the government. i just want to raise our children and live a normal life! i want my life back! you never talked to me this way before, jim garrison. i'm not making any threats. i'm leaving you. i'm taking the kids to my mother's. i am - i am. i'm sorry. and if you're wrong? i don't think so, jim. huh? oh no! no! i can't believe it. i can't believe it. both of them, both brothers, oh my god! you're right, it hasn't ended, has it?