sad thing is the way it's screwing up this country, all these hippies running around on drugs, the way young people look you can't tell a boy from a girl anymore. i saw a girl the other day, she was pregnant - you could see her whole belly, and you know what she painted on it? "love child." it's fuckin' outa control. values've gone to hell, jim. course it figures when you got somebody like that polecat johnson in the white house. don't get me started on that. those warren commission fellows were pickin' gnat shit out of pepper. no one's gonna tell me that kid did the shooting job he did from that damned bookstore. sure, three experts and not one of them could do it! they're telling us oswald got off three shots with world-class precision from a manual bolt action rifle in less than six seconds - and accordin' to his marine buddies he got maggie's drawers - he wasn't any good. average man would be lucky to get two shots off, and i tell ya the first shot would always be the best. here, the third shot's perfect. don't make sense. and then they got that crazy bullet zigzagging all over the place so it hits kennedy and connally seven times. one "pristine" bullet? that dog don't hunt. if i were investigatin', i'd round up the 100 best riflemen in the world and find out which ones were in dallas that day. you been duck hunting? i think oswald was a good old-fashioned decoy. what'd he say? "i'm just a patsy." out of the mouth of babes y'ask me. hell, you're the district attorney. you read the warren report - and then you tell me you're satisfied lee oswald shot the president all by his lonesome. honey, another one of these. this one's as weak as cricket pee-pee. yessir, you mark my words, jim, vietnam's gonna cost johnson '68 and it's gonna put that other varmint nixon in - then watch your hide, 'cause there ain't no offramps on a freeway to hell!