god's sake, chief. the president was shot. chief, maybe you had a little too much to drink. i think i'll cut out here, chief. i gotta get home. chief, sometimes i don't know whether you're kidding or not. you may not like this, chief, but you're beginning to act paranoid. i mean, you really are. goddammit chief, why would i ever need to look in your files? i saw enough here this summer to write a book. you know what i mean. i saw a lot of strange things going on in this office this summer. and a lotta strange people. more than ten years. never touched me. no, it involved more than that. i don't know if i should talk about this. if you buy what you read in the paper. i didn't say that. all i know is he died suddenly just before the warren report came out. well, i guess now that guy's dead, it don't really matter. it was about the people hanging around the office that summer. i wasn't really part of the operation, you know. i was handling the private-eye work for guy when that came in - not much did - but that's why i was there. it was a nuthouse. there were all these cubans coming and going. they all looked alike to me. dave ferrie - you know about him? often? he practically lived there. it was real cloak and dagger stuff. they called it operation mongoose. the idea was to train all these cuban exiles for another invasion of cuba. banister's office was part of a supply line that ran from dallas, through new orleans to miami, stockpiling arms and explosives. sure. everybody knew everybody. it was a network. they were working for the cia - pilots, black operations guys, civilians, military - everybody in those days was running guns somewhere. fort jefferson, bayou bluff, morgan city. mcallen, texas was a big gun-running operation. banister was running his camp north of lake pontchartrain. ferrie handled a lot of the training. there was a shooting range and a lot of tropical terrain like in cuba. a few americans got trained, too. nazi types. mercenaries. but ferrie was the craziest. anyway, late summer the party ended. kennedy didn't want another bay of pigs mess, so he ordered the fbi to shut down the camps and confiscate the napalm and the c-4. there were a buncha cubans and a couple americans arrested, only you didn't read about it in the papers. just the weapons got mentioned. 'cause the first ones behind bars would've been banister and ferrie, but i think the g-men were just going through the motions for washington. their hearts were with their old fbi buddy banister. like i said, a fuckin' nuthouse. yeah, he was there, too. sometimes he'd be meeting with banister with the door shut. other times he'd be shooting the bull with ferrie. but he was there all right. yeah, one time the secretary got upset, i remember. there was one guy, i don't know, big guy, business guy, white hair - i saw him come into the office once. he looked out of place, y'know - like a society guy. can't remember his name. oswald was with him. he had something to do with money. i remember him cause guy, who didn't kiss anybody's ass, sure kissed his. clay something, that was his name - clay. yeah! that's it. i don't know. maybe it wasn't. i gotta go. sure. 'course they hated the sonofabitch, but. never. not with me sir, never. listen, i think i'd better go. i said enough. i said all i'm going to say. what's the problem? what's the problem? do i need to spell it out for you, mr. garrison? i better go. you're so naive, mister.