apparently three bullets were found. governor connally also appeared to be hit. the president was rushed by the secret service to parkland memorial hospital four miles from dealey plaza. these backyard photos were found yesterday among oswald's possessions in the garage of janet william's home in riving, texas, where marina oswald and her children are living. the picture apparently was taken earlier this year. police say the rifle, a cheap world war ii italian- made mannlicher-carcano, was ordered from a chicago mailing house and shipped to oswald's alias a. hidell at a post office box in march, 1963. this is the same rifle that was used to assassinate the president. we go back now to the basement of police headquarters where they're about to transfer oswald to county prison. jack ruby. who is jack ruby? oswald is hurt. with 53% of the precincts reporting, senator kennedy continues to hold a lead of 48% to 41% over senator mccarthy. cbs news has projected senator robert kennedy the winner of the crucial california primary. senator kennedy has been shot! we