another nut. jesus, anybody can get a rifle in texas. didn't someone say he didn't speak good russian? a week ago i would've said this is nuts, but now . there's a lot of smoke there, but there's some fire. even my own wife, chief, who's wondering where i am? pillar of the community by day, gay bars at night. they went to the public records and got the vouchers we requested for withdrawals. love a duck! it takes twenty minutes to get into this office these days. are we famous or what? sensational garbage sells newspapers, jim. what else is new? look at the thousands of letters you're getting. that's where the heart of the country is. "dear mr. garrison, god bless you for having the courage to go after the murderers of president kennedy. please don't stop till they're behind bars. i am a beautician here in hannibal, missouri, and my husband is a janitor in the local high school. we have four kids and not an extra lot of money but we enclose a contribution to help with your work. we are praying for you. god bless, judith hardy, hannibal, missouri." that's what it's about, boss. for every lousy article in the press there's a hundred of these. what do you want to do, bill - fold up and close the store? you sound like it. hold it, chief. williams found this in your office. we think the conference room is also bugged. and maybe the phones. the whole place needs debugging. well, believe what you want, boss, but we got to be more careful. all these new volunteers, any one of them could be. it's either a mardi gras outfit, or we got the marquis de sade here, chief. she's the best damn witness we have! hate mail here. fan mail here. the bad news is the irs has just requested an audit on your income from this office. we studied the memos - there was nothing there, chief, nothing! when we went to confront him, the landlady said that sonofabitch just took off, left everything. something sure scared him. sure sounds like he's winning. then what are we going through all this trouble for?