i'm not sure i understand. i wouldn't imagine where. no. never heard of him. no. no, i don't believe i know anyone by that name. of course not. i don't know this man. obviously then, i wouldn't have him to dinner. incidentally, i do not live in an apartment. it's an 1860's house built by gallier. i've restored it faithfully. you know i am quite an advocate of restoration. not at all. but on the other hand, i do have a lovely chippendale dining table and i often have a friend over sitting at one end while i sit at the other. that is precisely the point of a long dining table. the splendor of the meal adds to the enjoyment of it. it adds a taste of elegance for which i must confess a weakness for now and then. i call him smedley. his real name is frankie jenkins - but i could hardly imagine anything more uncouth during dinner than my turning toward the kitchen and hollering "frankie!" . where is this leading to, mr. garrison? pffft! absolute nonsense. the quarter is filled with vivid imaginations, my dear mr. garrison - grimy young hoodlums who'll say and do anything. as you well know. who? no. i have never known anyone by that name. of course never having met mr. o'keefe i could hardly have met mr. ferrie. no. i'm sure i've never met anyone of such a bizarre appearance. clay bertrand? clay bertrand? i believe there was a man with a name similar to that who worked at the chamber of commerce. is that the man you had in mind? one meets so many attorneys in my business. no, i don't believe i know dean andrews. naturally. are you claiming, mr. garrison, that mr. oswald also had dinner with me? you really have me consorting with a cast of sordid characters, don't you, mr. garrison. of course not! such a pity, that assassination. in fact, i admired president kennedy. a man with true panache, and a wife with impeccable taste. i'm well aware of this asinine article. and i am thinking very seriously of suing this rag of a newspaper. nonsense. what next? mr. garrison, you're reaching. i am an international businessman. the trade mart which i founded is america's commercial pipeline to latin america. i trade everywhere. i am accused, as are all businessmen, of all things. i somehow go about my business, make money, help society the best i can and try to promote free trade in this world. and if i was, mr. garrison. do you think i would be here today. talking to somebody like you? may i go? regardless of what you may think of me, mr. garrison, i am a patriot first and foremost. now just a minute, sir! you're way out of line! i enjoyed meeting with you gentlemen, and you, miss cox. it was most pleasant. i wish to extend to each of you - and to each of your families - my best wishes for a happy easter. clay lavergne shaw. 1313 dauphine, new orleans. clay bertrand. clay bertrand. no, i did not. no, i did not. no, i would not even know what he looked like except for the pictures i've been shown. no, i did not.