negative on his tax records. classified. first time i know a d.a. can't get a tax record. i put together a list of all the cia files on oswald that were part of the warren report and asked for them. there are about 1200 documents. oswald in the ussr, in mexico city, oswald and the u2, a cia 201 personnel file, a memo from the director on oswald, travel and activities - can't get one of them. all classified as secret on the grounds of national security. it's real strange. yes, but we're talking about a dead warehouse employee of no political significance. three years later and he's still classified? they gave us his grammar school records, a study of his pubic hairs. put it in context, bill, of what we know about oswald. lonely kid, no father, unstable childhood, high school dropout - wants to grow up and be a spy, joins the marines at 17. he learns russian, he acts overtly marxist with two other marines, but he's stationed at a top secret base in japan where u2 spy flights over russia originate. he's discharged from the marines supposedly because his mother's sick. he stays home 3 days, then with a $1500 ticket from a $203 bank account, he goes to moscow. one of the consuls, john mcvickar, says oswald's performance was not spontaneous - it seemed coached. oswald gives an interview to a journalist. the russians are skeptical - want to send him back. maybe they suspect he's a spy. he supposedly slashes his wrists in a suicide attempt so that they're forced to keep him, and he disappears for six weeks, presumably with the kgb. finally they shuttle him to a radio factory in minks where he lives as high on the hog as he ever has - he's given 5,000 rubles, a roomy apartment with a balcony, has affairs with local girls. but he never writes, speaks, or does any propaganda for the russians. he meets marina, whose uncle is a colonel in soviet intelligence, at a trade union dance; she thinks he's russian the way he speaks, six weeks later they marry, have a daughter. i don't know if it's coincidence, but oswald had a top security clearance and knew about the u2 program from his days at atsugi air base in japan. six months after he arrives in russia, francis gary powers' u2 spy flight goes down in russia. that plane was untouchable. powers hinted that oswald could've given the russians enough data to hit it. as a direct result, the peace summit between khrushchev and eisenhower failed. i can't help thinking of that book seven days in may, maybe someone in our military didn't want the peace conference to happen, maybe oswald was part of that. it gets weirder. you want facts, bill? okay. from 1945 to '59 only two u.s. soldiers defect to russia. from '59 to '60, seven defect, six return, one of them another marine a month before oswald. all of them young men made to seem poor, disenchanted. none! the state department issues him a new passport in 48 hours and loans him the money to travel. he's never investigated or charged by the navy for revealing classified information or, as far as we know, debriefed by the cia. the fbi finally gets around to talking to him in dallas and runs a file on him as a miscreant communist type. spas t. raikin, a leading member of an anti-communist group. none either. it's bizarre. it's next to impossible to get russian sweethearts out. nor does lee have any problem getting a new passport when he wants to go to cuba and russia in '63. a man who has defected once already. it's crazy. the next thing we know he's living in dallas. ft. worth in october '62 working 6 months at jaggars-chiles- stovall, a photographic firm that contracts to make maps for the u.s. army. he starts work only days before the government reveals russian missiles in cuba and the crisis explodes. oswald may have had access to missile site footage obtained by the u2 planes and works alongside a young man who'd been in the army security agency. equally incongruous is oswald becoming chummy with the white russian community of dallas - all rabid anti- communists. his closest friend is an oilman named george de mohrenschildt who's about 35 years older than oswald, who's only 23 and supposedly broke. de mohrenschildt is a member of the dallas petroleum club, speaks five languages and was in french vichy intelligence during the war. also rumoured to have been a nazi sympathizer and member of the "solidarists", an international anti- communist organization with many eastern europeans and ex-nazis, many of them brought here by the cia after the war, many of them involved in oil and munitions interests in dallas and the southwest. you figure it. read it. they called it "project paperclip." de mohrenschildt draws a picture of oswald as an intellectual, well read, speaks excellent russian, a man who adored j.f.k. the only russian that suspects oswald of still being a communist is anna meller. but her russian friend tells her "he's checked" with the local fbi and was told oswald is all right. the oswalds are introduced by george de mohrenschildt to janet and bill williams. it's through janet williams in october '63 that lee gets the warehouse job, right smack on elm street at the book depository, which is owned by another oilman with ties to defense and military intelligence. all i can find out about the williams' is their tax returns are classified and that bill williams, a descendant of the cabots of massachusetts, has links through his family and united fruit to the cia and does classified work for bell helicopter which requires a security clearance - so what is oswald, a defector, doing visiting his wife in his house? williams has a relationship at bell with general walter dornberger, another one of the nazis we brought in after the war for our missile program. he used slave labor to build the v-2 rockets for hitler before bell needed him. his wife, janet williams, studied russian in college and her father worked for the agency for international development, which works hand in hand with the cia. she suddenly becomes marina's best friend. marina fights often with lee about many things - his secrecy, the lack of money. she says lee is not sexually adequate. lee hits her on several occasions. bill williams' convenient separation from janet allows janet to invite marina to move into her house in irving. there marina and lee have a second daughter - while lee, now 24, stores his belongings in janet's garage and rents a small room in dallas under an alias of "o.h. lee". when he's arrested, marina buries him with the public. her description of him is that of a psychotic and violent man. your hunch was right, boss, but it's even spookier than we thought. starting in september '63 on, two months before the assassination, there are sightings of oswald all over dallas, buying ammunition, getting a telescopic sight fixed, going to rifle ranges. early november, a dallas downtown lincoln- mercury dealership where he tells the salesman albert bogard. despite the fact he has no license and from what marina says, does not know how to drive, he hits the curves like mario andretti at the indy 500. bogard later told his boss he drove "like a madman." really dumb dialogue like he's trying to draw attention to himself. a real moron. he walks out. the salesman remembers him as about 5'7", but we know from his draft card he was about 5'11". i'll go you one better, lou. he shows up at silvia odio's, a cuban lady in dallas working in the anti- castro underground - remember that name, a solid witness. the two cubans introduce him as "leon oswald". the cubans want silvia, whose parents are political prisoners in cuba, to help them raise money to assassinate castro. something about the men bothers her. she tells them she doesn't want anything to do with violence. about 48 hours later one of the cubans calls her back. it's like he's giving her information she doesn't even ask for. she's scared, doesn't see them again till she sees oswald's picture in the paper. but the warren commission says she has bad eyesight because they have oswald in mexico at this time, trying to get back into cuba. the cubans think he's a double agent so they won't take him. the cia has a camera outside the cuban embassy and says this is oswald in mexico. you figure it. i even have doubts about this photo, boss. it pretty much convicted oswald in the public mind. well, according to captain fritz, oswald told him during his interrogation the photo was fake. oswald, who worked for jaggars-chiles- stovall, did know spy photography pretty well. i took this picture to two experts. look at the way the shadows on the nose fall in a straight line like it's high noon. but the shadow here on the ground reads like late afternoon or early morning. it's not the same time. also look at the crop marks across the chin. it seems like his head is pasted on somebody else's body implicating him with this rifle and gun. and of the two newspapers in his hands, one is leninist, the other trotskyite. any genuine socialist would know they hate each other's politics! now it gets positively spooky. in january, 1961 - in new orleans, at the bolton ford dealership - when the oswald we know is in russia - there is a man using the name "oswald" to buy trucks for the friends of democratic cuba. the salesman never saw him again, but guess who's on the articles of incorporation of the friends of democratic cuba? guy banister. banister has someone using the name "oswald" to buy the trucks. hoover, at the fbi, writes a memo dated june, 1960, that there could be someone using oswald's passport and identity. who? no!. shaw! director of the trade mart? this is incredible. shaw must've gotten them on our tail. look at this bullshit! he keeps changing what he says. we can't possibly call him to a grand jury. bugging the district attorney's office of new orleans! it's outrageous! boss, we just got bad news from miami. they found ferrie's cuban friend - eladio del valle - this morning, hacked to death with a machete in his car. he was tortured, shot in the heart at point-blank range and his skull was split open with an axe. i'm afraid i'm with bill on this one. we haven't got the goods yet. this is interesting - are you ready for this? oswald went to see the fbi two weeks before the assassination. it seems special agent hosty made three routine visits to his house, supposedly to keep an eye on marina oswald. he left a note. hosty told a dallas newspaperman it was a warning to him to stop questioning marina at their home when oswald was not present. she was not a citizen, so possibly he was threatening to deport her back to russia. but what the note really said no one knows because his boss shanklin told hosty. hosty tore it up and flushed it down the toilet. waggoner carr, the attorney general of texas, says he had evidence from the dallas sheriff's office that oswald had been employed as an undercover informant for the fbi at a salary of $200 a month, beginning more than a year before the murder. or a cover up! jesus, bill, don't you have enough proof of the fbi's complicity now? aren't you being a little hard? i'm sorry. objection, your honor. this office has won a conviction of perjury against dean andrews on this matter. but how does dymond know what to ask? fuck! we're dead.