you know the video's gonna cost you twenty extra, right? well alright then. let's get this sum bitch started! weeeeeelllll, you ain't nothing but a young bride. walking down the aisle. you ain't nothing but a young bride. walking down the aisle. well, if you don't marry jimmy, then you ain't no friend of mine. do you. do you judy promise to always swallow, to never cut your hair, or have another man's penis injected into any part of your body for as long as you both shall live? do you jimmy promise to always fuck judy with enthusiasm, to take a shower once a day, and promise not to inject your penis into any part of another person's body as long as you both shall live? can i get the rings? with the power vested in me by the great state of nevada. i do herby pronounce you husband and wife. you may kiss the bride. all right you two. we got a schedule to keep.