dark and in silhouette, jimmy flips on the camera by remote. it's too dark to see faces or bodies with any detail, but jimmy's clearly having sex with a prostitute in his bed. she is young, black, and looks very much like a prostitute. jimmy's behind the camera interviewing the prostitute who sits up in his bed holding the sheets to cover herself. with the lights on, we can see that she's clearly unattractive. jimmy asks his questions with a gentle confidence. judy sits on jimmy's bed, staring into the camera. she's uncomfortable sitting there. it's poorly framed. judy sits on the edge of jimmy's bed facing a television set. jimmy films from behind her so he gets judy's back and the television in the shot. the screen is static. jimmy films judy who lies next to him in the bed. her face is sweaty and red and he is still a tad out of breath. jimmy is capturing her literally seconds after they had sex.