take your time man. i want you to feel comfortable. more importantly, i want you to get this right. just a second. i have to take care of my baby. she's beautiful isn't she? some people come here too far gone. like hazel here. the only thing i can do for her is ease her pain. shhhhh. how about a baby one? there you go. there's something about addiction that brings out something beautiful in a person. addiction is pure. addiction reduces a person to an infant. and there's nothing more pure and beautiful in the world than an infant. hazel is no longer an adult. she's an infant and i'm the surrogate mother who provides her with much needed breast milk. it's a role that both of us have accepted and embrace. that's my girl! she's a little jumpy. let's begin shall we? and please. i'm going to use this tape for my fans, so let's try to get this right. i apologize if any of this frightens you or makes you uncomfortable. no. you won't be fine. what i'm going to teach you will be frightening. the truth is an acquired taste but once you get to it, it's all you'll ever want. those kids out there. we, the so called "undesirables" - you and me, we know the truth. you know that society doesn't want you, your parents don't want you, corporate america sure as fuck doesn't want you. you wouldn't be here otherwise. the garbage culture. thrown aside, imprisoned, institutionalized, systematically abused, executed, and enlisted into wars started by government ass- fuckers just to kill us off. just to kill us off. and every week one of you shows up here, disillusioned, addicted, angry, pissed 'cuz they tossed you aside. into the garbage. every time someone like you shows up here the garbage culture gets a little bit stronger and they get a little bit weaker. until the "them" and the "they" of this country run out of places to put us, to put its garbage, and the garbage over-flows into their cities from out of the confines of the spaces that they have set aside for us. and we will set fire to their world! and we will burn it, until a living hell reigns over what was their former world, and we will fornicate in their ashes! that's what's here for you. that's what's here. i'm so glad you guys came down here. we never would have guessed you'd come and see us. i knew she would. by the way. i know what you did to dinko. who the fuck!